Ep.31 - Aphmau and (Y/N) in Love | PT.3 Mom Ro'Meave

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~3rd POV~

The group arrives at Olive Garden, Zianna leading the way.

"Here we are! This is the restaurant where your father took me on our first date!" Zianna said, smiling dreamily.

"Mom! Did you REALLY have to bring us here!?" Zane shouted. He glanced at (Y/N) to see her and Aphmau with their faces pressed up against the window staring at the waiter as he walks by with a basket of bread sticks.

"Oh ZuZu, it's symbolic. Coming to this restaurant is good fortune for any couple." Zianna stated happily.

Garroth sighed. "Mom, it's just a superstition you made up." He said.

"Mom believes every couple who has a date here ends up getting married." Vylad commented, making Zianna pout.

"What? It's true! Every couple I've ever known who's come on a date here ended up getting married!" Zianna yelled defensivelly. "Now Zane and Vylad, why don't you two, Aphmau, and (Y/N) kiss?"

"WHAT?!" Everybody all shouted.

"MOM, STOP BEING WEIRD! I'm not going to kiss (Y/N) in front of you!" Zane yelled.

"You can say that again." Vylad said.

"Aw, but I want to be here for your first kiss! Wait... have you two kissed?" Zianna said, looking at Aphmau and Vylad.

Aphmau and Vylad both shook their heads.

"Well, now's the perfect opportunity!" Zianna yelled.

"Mom, I think you need to calm down. Zane will kiss (Y/N) when he's ready." Garroth said through gritted teeth. "Also, Vylad will kiss Aphmau when he's ready as well."

"Exactly!" Zane said while Vylad nodded in agreement.

"He will, huh?" Aaron questioned, a tint of jealously in his eyes.

"Uh, I mean... we are their boyfriends, aren't we?" Vylad said, placing an arm around Aphmau's shoulder.

"We're just not ready." Zane said.

"Good." Aaron said.

"...yet." Zane added, laughing evilly at the end as he could sense Aaron's jealously.

Aaron growled in annoyance.

"What did you say, ZuZu? You know no one can hear you when you mutter behind that mask." Zianna said.

"Mummy, shouldn't you reserve a table?" Garroth asked, trying to distract her.

"Oh right! I almost forgot! I'll be right back!" Zianna said, running into Olive Garden to make the reservation.

"What was that about?" Aaron asked, staring at Zane.

"Whatever do you mean?" Zane asked innocently, smirking in amusement yet again.

"Alright. Guys, we need to get our heads together. All we have to do is get past this date and then you guys never have to do this again." Vylad said, trying to break the tension.

"I... I don't know if I can do this anymore." Aphmau said nervously.

"Me either. I feel terrible lying to Zianna!" (Y/N) said.

"Aphmau and (Y/N), just try to hang in there. You've come this far." Vylad said.

"We know, we know, but... Aphmau and I are having such a hard time doing this." (Y/N) said.

"Hmm..." Vylad holds his chin in thought. He suddenly snapped his fingers. "Zane, do you still have that potion you showed me?" He asked.

"W-What?! I have no idea what you're talking about!" Zane yelled.

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