Ep.20 - The Kiss - Neighborhood Play PT.3

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~3rd POV | Two Days Later, Community Center~

Everyone had been rehearsing for two days now and tonight was when the play was going to start. They didn't have a lot of time, but they rehearsed all their lines and put their blood, sweat, and tears into this.

Garroth and Laurance walk into the theater, searching for Katelyn.

"Katelyn? Katelyn!" Garroth called out, looking for the blue haired woman.

"Katelyn!" Laurance called out as well.

"Katelyn!" Garroth said.

"Oh Katelyn!" Laurance called out again.

Katelyn, hearing Garroth and Laurance calling out to her, turns to face them. "What do you guys want? I'm right here." She said.

"Say, uh... Katelyn, Aaron said he wasn't feeling too well tonight and that he needed to drop out of the play." Garroth said.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!? The play is tonight! We've been rehearsing a whole two days for this! Why isn't he here telling me himself?" Katelyn shouted, panicking.

"He's... just... that sick, yeah!" Laurance said.

Katelyn sighed. "Well Garroth, you're his understudy, so I guess if he can't make it, you get the part." She said.

"YES! THE KISS IS MINE!!" Garroth cheered.

Suddenly, Dante walks in from behind the stage, holding a hammer in his hand. "Hey Katelyn, the sets are secure. Geez Garroth, what's with that giddy face you've got?" He said, noticing the face that Garroth was making.

"Aaron had to drop out of the play due to an illness, so Garroth being his understudy gets the role." Katelyn answered, a little disappointed at Aaron's absence.

"Uh... Aaron is backstage rehearsing his lines." Dante said, raising an eyebrow.

"WHAT!?" Garroth and Laurance yelled, jumping in surprise.

"...Are you kidding me?" Katelyn said, slowly turning to face the two.

"Garroth, we boarded up Aaron's house! Did you not make sure he was inside!?" Laurance whispered to Garroth.

"No! I thought you did!" Garroth whispered back.

"THAT'S IT! LAURANCE, GARROTH, THIS IS THE THIRD TIME YOU'VE TRIED TO GET AARON OUT OF THE ROLE AS ROMEO! ONE MORE TIME BEFORE THE PLAY, AND I'LL HAVE YOU BOTH NOT IN THE PLAY AT ALL! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure Cadenza is done with those costumes." Katelyn said, grabbing her laptop and goes backstage.

"DANTE!" Garroth and Laurance shouted, glaring at Dante.

"What!? It's not my fault you guys didn't tell me of your elaborate scheme beforehand! I wouldn't have said anything if you guys told me!" Dante said, putting up his hands in defense.

Kawaii~Chan, who heard the yelling, walks out from backstage. "What's with all the yelling Dante~Kun? What didn't Garroth~Kun and Laurance~Kun tell you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Ah, Kawaii~Chan! Well, they were trying to get Aaron out of his role and--" Dante said.

"DANTE, NO!" Garroth shouted, cutting Dante off.

"DON'T MAKE HER ANGRY!" Laurance yelled.

"Huh? How is telling her about you guys trying to stop the kissing scene between (Y/N) and Aaron going to make her angry?" Dante asked.

Garroth and Laurance's face go pale.

"What did you say?" Kawaii~Chan asked, slowly walking towards Dante.

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