Ep.16 - Maids for the Job

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~3rd POV | At The Guys House~

Kawaii~Chan was sitting on the guys' couch, crying her eyes out.

Dante, who came out of his room hearing the crying, rushes into the living room. "Kawaii~Chan?" He looks over to Travis, who was sitting on the opposite couch. "Travis, what did you do to her?" He said.

"I didn't do anything! Why is it my fault!?" Travis said.

"I saw you heading towards the ladies' house." Dante walks to the window on the side of the front door. "I should have known better than to-" He stops mid sentence as he looks out the window. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR HOUSE!?" Dante yelled.

"...Fire... lots of fire happened to it." Travis responded, shuddering at the memory.

"HOW!?" Dante continued to yell.

"I dropped my mix tape." Travis said, chuckling to himself.

"Dope. But no seriously, what happened?" Dante said, lowering his voice.

Kawaii~Chan wipes the tears out of her eyes. "K-Kawaii~Chan left the cookies in the oven and they caught fire and then... and then the fire went everywhere!" She cried.

"Thankfully the kitchen was the only thing seriously damaged. The rest of the house can be fixed with a little paint and Kawaii~Chan here can be fixed with a little TLC... which stands for Travis Loving Care." Travis said, smirking to himself.

Dante sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Travis..." He starts but then bursts out laughing. "This is why I'm your friend. I'm going to have to remember that one!" He said.

"I've got a million of them." Travis said.

"We'll talk about that later." Dante then turned his head towards Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan, if you guys need help with repairing your house, I'd be happy to help. So would Travis, Garroth, and Laurance." He said.

Kawaii~Chan sniffs. "T-Thanks Dante~Kun. This is Kawaii~Chan's fault and she wants to fix it herself. Every time Kawaii~Chan makes a mistake, it seems like someone else is there to get her out of the situation. This is Kawaii~Chan's chance to show Katelyn that she's responsible." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Where are Katelyn, Aphmau and (Y/N) anyway?" Dante asked.

"Katelyn~Sama went to Nicole's house, and (Y/N)~Senpai and Aphmau~Senpai are at Aaron's house. Kawaii~Chan knows that Katelyn~Sama is so mad at Kawaii~Chan, and (Y/N)~Senpai and Aphmau~Senpai are probably--" Kawaii~Chan said.

Dante cuts Kawaii~Chan off. "(Y/N) and Aphmau wouldn't hold that against you Kawaii~Chan, you know that. I'm sure you didn't mean to burn the house, it must have been an accident. My question now is, how are you going to pay for all the damages done to the house?" Dante said.

"Kawaii~Chan will just have to get a second job...  Wait, second job, that's it!" Kawaii~Chan said.

"What's it?" Travis asked.

"Kawaii should of thought of this before! There's a new maid cafe that opened up in the city. Oh this is perfect!" Kawaii~Chan said, getting up from the couch and walks to the door.

"Huh? Wait, where are you going?" Dante asked.

Kawaii~Chan turns around and looks at Dante. Kawaii~Chan is gonna need help and she knows the perfect people to ask!" She said, running out the door with a giggle.

"Huh. Enlighten me, Dante." Travis gets off from the couch and stands up. "What's a maid cafe?" He asked.

"I have no idea. We should look it up." Dante suggested.

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