Ep.35 - Aaron and Aphmau | MyStreet Season 1 Finale PT.3

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~3rd POV: The Next Day~

Today was now the second day of A-Con.

Aphmau walked into the room dressed as Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls.

(Y/N) walked in afterwards, dressed as Wendy from Gravity Falls. "Kawaii~Chan, are you guys ready?" She asked.

Kawaii~Chan was dressed as Sailor Chibi Moon from Sailor Moon. "Aphmau~Senpai, (Y/N)~Senpai, are you ready to go? Ooooh! Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai look so kawaii in their new costumes!" She yelled, her eyes sparkling.

"Aww, thanks Kawaii~Chan. You look beautiful too. Your costumes always come out so perfect. The attention to detail is amazing!" Aphmau complimented.

"Kawaii~Chan lives and breathes anime conventions, hehe. Now that today is Day 2, we have to make the most of it!" Kawaii~Chan said.

"For sure." (Y/N) agreed.

"So Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai, did anything crazy happen on your first day?" Kawaii~Chan asked curiously.

"Aside from the DDR contest and the pictures we took, there was this one thing with..." Aphmau started to say.

"DON'T! EVEN! APHMAU!" Katelyn interrupted, coming from out of nowhere. She was dressed as Fiona from Adventure Time, an angry look on her face as she glared at Aphmau.

"Katelyn, you have to admit it was really... REALLY unexpected of you." Aphmau said, still bewildered at the memory.

Katelyn blushed in embarrassment and looked away. "I just got caught up in the moment! THAT'S. ALL." She said, trying to defend herself.

"Eh? What moment?" Kawaii~Chan asked confused.

"Katelyn, it's okay if you like Travis." (Y/N) said teasingly.

"(Y/N)! Not you too!" Katelyn complained.

"Heh, not like that. I mean, like a friend. I know he's really weird around women. I'm just saying that Travis can have some really sweet moments. Instead of hitting him away, why don't you just try talking to him, or maybe even hanging out and getting to know him." (Y/N) suggested.

"Did something happen between Katelyn~Sama and Travis~Kun?" Kawaii~Chan asked, still confused.

"Sort of." Aphmau said.

"Ugh, I don't need this right now. It's bad enough Nicole got food poisoning yesterday and had to leave, but she left with Dante taking care of her and... ugh. Fine. You know what, I'll hang out with Travis today." Katelyn huffed.

"Really?!" Aphmau and I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I mean... I meditated on it last night and really... the whole kissing him thing was immature of me to do. I'm gonna go meet up with him and apologize." Katelyn said, slightly ashamed.

"KISS?!" Kawaii~Chan screamed, starting to jump up and down.

"I don't think Travis wants an apology for that, but I get what you're saying. Just next time, don't let this friendly rivalry with Lucinda get under your skin, okay?" (Y/N) said.

"I won't. Now I'm heading down to the Con. I'll meet you guys there." Katelyn said.

"Oh, Kawaii~Chan will follow Katelyn~Sama. You know, Kawaii~Chan needs a partner for the Para Para dance contest now that Nicole is out." Kawaii~Chan said, looking hopeful at Katelyn.

Katelyn sighed. "Fine. Buy me lunch and I'll do it." She said.

"Really? Ahhh!" Kawaii~Chan squealed with joy as she and Katelyn left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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