Zane, Aphmau, (Y/N), and Garroth's Friendship in Pixel Painters! | Minigames!

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Aphmau, Zane, and I were on the Hypixel Server, and we were going to be playing some more Pixel Painters.

Aphmau started to do her intro. "Hey guys, Aphmau here and welcome back to Hypixel Pixel Painters. Today I am joined by my lovely sister (Y/N) and Zane. Hello." She said.

"Hi Zane!" I said, smiling at him.

"Hello there." Zane said.

"Mm-hmm. Today we're not having a pony date today. We are having a Pixel Painter date, and we're going to have a lot of fun!" Aphmau said.

"And I'm perfectly fine with that. To be perfectly honestly, I'm glad it's just you, (Y/N), and me this time and that you didn't actually-" Zane said, but got cut off by Garroth.

"Hello!" Garroth shouted, walking down the staircase towards us.

Zane sees Garroth walking towards us and groaned in annoyance that his brother was here AGAIN.

"Yeah, about that-" I got cut off by the sound of Zane's phone going off.

"Wait. Sorry, my phone just went off. Hang on." Zane said, walking away a few feet to check his phone.

"What was that, Zane? Oh my god." I turned towards Garroth to greet him. "Hey Garroth."

"Hi Aphmau and (Y/N)-" When Garroth saw that his brother Zane was here as well, he didn't look happy to see Zane there. "What's he doing here again?"

After checking his phone, Zane puts his phone back into his pocket and walked back to us.

"Well we are on another Pixel Painters date, and I'm calling it a date because it is super cute." Aphmau explained. "Right?"

"I have no problem with it." Zane said.

"Uhh... affirmative." Garroth said.

"Right?" Aphmau asked Garroth again. "I'm looking at you."

"Affirmative!" Garroth repeated himself.

"I'm just going to stand back here." Zane said, backing away a few steps.

"It's means nothing. More. Than. That." Aphmau said, taking a few steps towards Garroth after every word she said.

"Ooh, I wish I had my phone out now recording that." Zane said.

"Because Zane understands. Zane is cool like that." I said.

"Ha. Did you hear that, Garroth?" Zane asked with a laugh.

"No Zane, don't. Be nice." Aphmau scolded him.

Zane sighed. "I'm not good with the socializing thing yet." He said.

"It's fine. Maybe we won't start you with cutesy terms. Maybe we'll start with regular terms, so we're just going to be playing Pixel Painters... take out the word 'date'. It's fine." I said.

Zane sighed. "Fine." He said.

"We don't want you to get confused anymore." I said.

"Anyway..." Aphmau continued to explain to the audience that was watching exactly what we were going to be doing today. "*Ahem* we're playing Pixel Painters today and of course I have my sister (Y/N), Zane, and Garroth with me, and we're just going to do some more brotherly bonding again... or at least get you guys to bond a little bit more so that we can hang out more. Right?" She said, walking backwards towards the staircase.

"Sure, as long as he doesn't try to hug me again." Zane said.

"Perfect." Aphmau and I said as we headed up the staircase to the hot air balloon.

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