Ep.33 - A-Con 2016 | MyStreet Season 1 Finale PT.1

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~3rd POV~

(Y/N), Aphmau, Zane, and Aaron walked into the lobby of a massive, quite fancy, hotel that was across the street from where A-Con was going to be.

"We're here! Welcome to A-Con 2016!" (Y/N) announced, looking at all the people walk by.

Aphmau, (Y/N), Aaron, and Zane stood in the lobby in front of the main desk, to their left was a massive lounging area filled with couches and TVs. There was even a few plants around the area. To their right was another couch and behind it was two elevator lifts.

"Is this it?" Zane asked.

"Wha...?" Aphmau questioned.

"It wasn't what I was imagining at all." Zane said, looking around the hotel lobby.

"Pfft, no! Zane, silly... this isn't the convention. The convention starts tomorrow! This is the hotel we're staying in." Aphmau said.

"Have you... ever been to an anime convention, Zane?" (Y/N) asked.

"No." Zane said, almost shamelessly.

"Aaron?" (Y/N) asked.

"Nope." Aaron said.

Aphmau and (Y/N) squealed.

"Then you're in for a treat! Trust us, you'll have A LOT of fun!" (Y/N) said, getting excited.

"I can't wait to see what costumes you guys made, but we'll wear them tomorrow." Aphmau said.

"Do we have to?" Zane complained.

"I'm not sure how I feel about walking around in a costume." Aaron said, unsure.

"What are you even talking about? You walk around with your shirt off the majority of the time." Aphmau said.

"...Are you looking at me?" Aaron asked, a smirk creeping up on his face.

Aphmau blushes beet red. "Of course! I mean... uh... argh... er... I mean no. Hehe, no." She said, correcting herself.

"I don't mind." Aaron said.

"Should (Y/N) and I leave you two alone?" Zane asked, looking at Aaron.

"(Y/N)~SENPAI! APHMAU~SENPAI!" A familiar high pitched voiced shouted.

Aphmau and (Y/N) turn around to see Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan runs up to the group and sees Aphmau's beet red face. "Wow, is Aphmau~Senpai okay? Your face is burning bright red." She asked, concerned.

"Kawaii~Chan! Aphmau and I have never been so glad to have you interrupt!" (Y/N) said, relieved that Kawaii~Chan arrived just in time.

"Does Aphmau~Senpai need some water?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"N... no, I'm fine! I'm just glad to see you here at the absime-ANIME convention!" Aphmau said, laughing nervously.

"I've never seen her act like this... WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER, AARON!?" Zane shouted at Aaron.

"Just... admiring her cuteness from afar." Aaron replied, smirking.

"W-What did y-you say!?" Kawaii~Chan shouted, her shipping craze ensuing.

"HE SAID NOTHING!" (Y/N) shouted.

"So don't worry!" Aphmau added, laughing nervously.

"I said she was cute." Aaron said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Aaron no!" Aphmau and (Y/N) yelled.

Kawaii~Chan started to shake. "A-Aaron~Kun said Aphmau~Senpai was C-C-CUTE!?" She stuttered as her fan girl mode was about to erupt.

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