Ep.10 - Tree of Friendship

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~3rd POV | The Next Day~

Aphmau and (Y/N) were standing in the living room, with Aphmau mumbling to herself and (Y/N) pacing back and forth.

Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were watching from the top of the stairs. After a good 30 minutes of watching Aphmau and (Y/N), Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan turn to look at each other.

"Hmmm..." Katelyn was thinking to herself.

"Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai have been standing there for almost 30 minutes?" Kawaii~Chan said.

"You think Aphmau realized she had a chance to kiss Aaron at the party?" Katelyn asked.

"She did?" Kawaii~Chan asked, shocked.

"Yep. You missed it too." Katelyn said.

Kawaii~Chan whines.

Katelyn rolls her eyes. "Really. Something is on their minds and I'm gonna find out what." She said.

Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan walk down the stairs.

"It just... doesn't feel... right." Aphmau mumbled to herself.

"Hey, are you guys okay? You've been mumbling to yourselves for a bit now." Katelyn said.

"It's just, we've decorated the house both inside and out." Aphmau said.

"And we've even made the cookies and gave them all out." (Y/N) said.

"But something is missing... something (Y/N) and I don't see..." Aphmau trails off.

"And it has to do with something that's... green." Aphmau and (Y/N) said in sync.

"Well, you two aren't allowed to watch Christmas specials anymore." Katelyn said, annoyed.

"Katelyn~Sama, Kawaii~Chan has been feeling the same way too. Don't you feel that something is missing?" Kawaii~Chan said.

Katelyn puts her chin in her hand. "Hmm... Now that you mentioned it, you're right. But, what is it?" She said.

"Aphmau and I have gotten all of the presents for our friends, we've been shopping for what seems like no end. But of all the Christmas harmony, I'm just not sure what it could be." (Y/N) said, pouting.

"Aphmau and (Y/N), would you please stop with the Christmas rhymes? I don't want you doing that all the time. I mean... NO THAT RHYMES! Great, now I caught it." Katelyn huffs.

Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau, and (Y/N) laughed.

"But no seriously, what are we missing? Let me think, let me think." Aphmau said, rubbing her head.

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." (Y/N) said, opening the door to see a delivery man.

"Delivery!" The delivery man said with a smile.

(Y/N) tilts her head. "Huh? Uh... Did someone order a package for a- What is it?" She asked the man.

"Oh, it's a cat tree." He said with enthusiasm and pulls out a cat tree.

"Kawaii~Chan...?" (Y/N) calls over her shoulder.

"Oh wait, my bad! I'm supposed to deliver this cat tree to 67 Christmas Street! Man, I'm on the complete wrong side of town! I'll go take this to 67 Christmas Street to get this cat tree to the right place. Hopefully I didn't interrupt you and your family sitting around your Christmas tree. Hey, did I tell you how nice my Christmas tree is this year?" The man drones on.

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