The Guys House | Minecraft Prop Hunt

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Aphmau and I had invited Garroth, Laurance, and Dante to play a minigame with us, so now we were standing outside of their house.

Aphmau began to do her intro. "Hey guys, Aphmau here and today (Y/N) and I are joined by three lovely gentlemen. As you can tell, we have Dante, Garroth, and Laurance. And today, we are going to be playing Prop Hunt in their house, which is so nice of you guys to lend us." She said.

"Uh, no problem." Laurance said, having no problem with letting us girls use the guys' house to play Prop Hunt in.

"No problem at all!" Garroth agreed.

"It's gonna be fun!" Dante said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I'm excited, especially to rummage through all your stuff. It's gonna be awesome." I said, laughing a little.

"Oh boy." Laurance said.

"Wait, wait, wait, THAT was the main reason?!" Dante exclaimed as his eyes widened in surprise.

"No... Yes." Aphmau and I said sync.

"Just... don't look under Garroth's bed." Laurance said to me.

"Or in your browser history!" Garroth said, slightly glaring at Laurance.

Laurance sighed as he turned to face Garroth. "I like those fanfics, okay?" He said.

Aphmau laughed. "Anyway, let's go ahead and begin. Remember guys, if you enjoy this content, to be sure to check out the description below, everyone's channels will be listed there. And also, remember to leave a like, and a comment, and let's go ahead and get started." She said.

~Time Skip to when the Game Starts~


Try to find all the Hiders!

You are a Seeker! Try to find all the Hiders!

Aphmau, Garroth, and I were on the same team while Laurance and Dante were a team together. The game started off with Garroth, Aphmau, and I being the Seekers while Laurance and Dante were the Hiders.

I gasped when I saw that I was on the same team with my sister and Garroth. "I'm on your team, Garroth and sis!" I said.

"Yeah!" Garroth cheered.

"Alright!" Aphmau squealed with delight that she was on the same team with her little sister.

"Hiding, hiding, hiding... gotta focus, gotta focus." Dante chanted as he looked for a hiding place.

"Uh, um... uh..." Laurance panicked while trying to find a good hiding spot. "I'm trying to find a place inconspicuous."

Garroth laughed in amusement at Laurance panicking.

"You should know this place well, Garroth. Right?" I said.

"Oh yeah. Don't worry, I'll take you girls STRAIGHT to his room." Garroth said.

Aphmau and I giggled.

"Dante, we need to be cautious. We need to be something that's very inconspicuous." Laurance said.

"Yeah, you're right. I think I've got something working here, but I don't know." Dante said.

"Can you tell us about it, maybe we can find you?" Aphmau asked.

"Oh, well sure... I'm actually- Wait a minute!" Dante said, realizing that Aphmau was wanting him to give away his hiding spot.

Aphmau, Garroth, and I laughed.

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