Rescued By My Kidnapper 6

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He saved me.

He kidnapped me.

He lied about my life to Ivy.

Ivy believed him.

He does not want to tell me why he kidnapped me.

He’s gone out with his friends.

Leaving me alone.

Just what the hell does he wants?

I lay down, completely and utterly confused with the situation I’m in. I want to go home. I took out the pocket knife and stared at it, hoping to find some answers to this.

I can’t just go out and run away? Could I? I bet I’ll get lost and he’ll find me again. And, what happens if I come back home? My mother’s gone. My dad is….


Anger coursed through my veins at the thought of that low life. He despised me since I was little. I could see it in his eyes. Even when my mother was around, he’ll act cold towards me. The saddest part was, I have no idea why.

In my life, nobody told me the reason why things happen. Nobody told me why my father hated me. Nobody told me how my mother died. Nobody told me why I was kidnapped.

Plus, I’ve never bothered to ask. So why, when I’m kidnapped, do I want to know the reason so much?

I shook my head. I’m thinking too much…way too much. I really have to get outta here, I thought.

Gavin is not even here, I can easily escape!

I finally concluded to get out of here. I got of bed and went downstairs. Something in my head tells me it’s not a good idea but I pushed it away.

The house was awfully quiet. The atmosphere was still, as if no one has been here for the longest time. The question of Ivy’s location came squirming into my mind but I let it go. It’s better if she doesn’t know.

I came to the living room and look outside the window. My eyes widened in disbelief. There were trees. So many trees. This house was in a freaking jungle!

My body shivered in fear. These people were just crazy. Hurriedly, I dashed to the front door and shakily tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge.

Cursing, I went to the kitchen to see if there’s a back door. There was. Hoping the door wasn’t locked I tried to open it. Luckily, I was right, the door clicked open.

I should’ve have done this in the first place. I looked at the grass beneath me and smelled the fresh air. Finally I’m free. I had a moment of silence before I was cut in by a voice.

“Is that Violet?”

My eyes shot opened. It couldn’t be…that voice was so familiar.

When I looked up, I saw two people standing by side, staring at me. The one on the right was Ivy…But on the left was someone I haven’t seen for the past few days.

I couldn’t believe it. Those emerald eyes…

“Jace?” I finally breathed out.


The shortest chapter, I know...and for the long wait, i really am sorry! :)

Ps. the dedications I give are for those who made book covers for thIs story :) the pics at the side are the ones they made :D

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