Chapter 6: The Flu

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The past two weeks had consisted of, showing up at the arena, practicing, helping, fixing and going back home. Throughout that I had to take Charlie to the vet, go for a hair cut, do groceries and get an oil change done on my car, but instead I found myself laying with my head on Tyler's chest and my eyes at half mass.

"Babe." Tyler whispered and I tilted my head back to look at him, the camera on his phone clicking.

"Tyler!" I laughed, tossing my hands over my face.

"Hm?" He smirked.

"That wasn't nice." I scolded, laughing as his hands tickled my sides.

"But you're adorable, so why does it matter?" He taunted.

I shook my head, the stray pieces of my bun falling in my face as he brushed them away.

"You're the only one that thinks that." I mumbled.

"The whole team thinks it." Tyler replied, pecking my forehead as he checked his watch. "I gotta go, Marshal is cool to stay right?"

"Yeah, Charlie needs her friend." I smiled.

"Hey babe?" Tyler asked, slipping his arms into his jacket.

"Yeah?" I asked, skeptical as I leaned in the doorway.

"I'll miss you." He smiled, his eyes flashing.

"Win for me." I told him as he pulled me towards him.

"Of course."

He pressed his lips gently to mine, and I leaned into him slightly before he pulled back.

"You make it really hard to leave." He mumbled.

"I'll miss you handsome." I smirked, watching as he walked out the door, to his car and pulled away.



-holy shit, Tyler won't shut the hell up


-what the hell have I done? we haven't even gotten on the plane yet!


-briar you should have cammeeeee


-bitch I can't believe you ditched us.


-I'm gonna punch them all.


-your boyfriend just hit me!


-I did not!


-I saw it!

I scanned the messages as I woke up, rubbing my bleary eyes before yawning and typing back.


-you're all a bunch of babies, I was trying to sleeeeepppp. Win lots.

I let both dogs out, and curled back into my couch, my phone still going off ridiculously.


"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Briar!" Everyone yelled and I pulled the covers up to my nose.

"Why?" I asked.

"Did you watch the game?" Val smirked.

I checked the TV, only to see the highlights flicking across the screen.

"She didn't watch it!" Jamie yelled.

"You didn't watch it!?" Jordie yelled.

"I am watching highlights, and I'm falling asleep again." I mumbled.

"Are you ok?" Tyler asked.

"I think I caught the flu." I replied, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Shakes?" Braxton asked, and I nodded. "Headache and soreness?" Once again a nod. "Frozen?"

"Yup, I can't feel my toes." I mumbled. "At the moment Charlie is laying in my feet to warm them up."

"Go to sleep, I'll text you later." Braxton said. "And keep yourself hydrated."

"Thanks." I mumbled, waving pathetically as I closed the top of the laptop.


I crawled out of bed, literally as I leaned over the toilet and groaned as everything started to hurt and ache even worse than before.

"She's awake." Someone said, and I was still too disoriented to pay attention.

"You ok?" Braxton asked, pulling the hair out of my face and using a ponytail to tie it back.

"No, kill me." I mumbled, standing to brush my teeth.

I walked back to the bed, only to have it stripped with nothing on it. I just crawled into the middle and groaned. Braxton lifted me, down the stairs and into the living room, tucking me into the covers on the couch.

"Why are you home?" I asked, pulling the blankets over my face.

"Our favourite medic is sick, let us try and help you." Jamie replied.

"Help me by giving me a bucket." I panicked.

One was shoved under my face as my shoulders convulsed, "Fuckkk!" I groaned.

A Gatorade was shoved into my hand I automatically checked the label, drinking half the bottle when I noticed it was my favourite.

"How'd you figure it out?" I asked.

"We checked your fridge." Braxton laughed.

"Ok, shh." I mumbled, closing my eyes and being towed under.


I woke up to the smell of bacon, and my stomach twisted again. I peaked an eye open and the guys sat staring at me.

I stretched my arm out and took a piece from Tyler, taking a bite and automatically regretting it.

"Nope." I groaned, swallowing quickly instead grabbing the apple he had and taking a bite. "Better."

"How can you not want bacon!" He exclaimed.

"It smells good. A smoothie sounds really good right now though." I smirked.

"Let's go." He sighed, standing and pulling me with him.

"Slow motions." I warned.


I sat back on the couch with a thing of fries on my lap and a strawberry, banana smoothie in my hand. I crossed myself, "God please let me eat." I mumbled, biting a fry.

It went down smoothly and I leaned back relieved, eating slowly but finishing them all before stretching.

"You good?" Jamie asked.

I flashed thumbs up, "Guys y'all have a game in Denver in two hours."

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