Chapter 2: Have I Met You Before?

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Briar POV

For the past two months all I have heard from Sam is, "You do know you ran into TYLER SEGUIN!" or "Are you done studying yet?" and "Holy shit, Tyler fucking Seguin."

That's why times like these I thought were peaceful, walking down the street going to school, or sitting by myself in the car, anywhere away from her overly peppy voice. Don't get me wrong, I love her, she's my best friend, but I really wanted to ram my fist into her mouth.

"Briar, they called you." Braxton said, snapping his fingers.

"Oh yeah, thanks." I mumbled, my heart suddenly in my throat as I knocked on my professor's door.

"Come in." She called out.

"Miss Banks." I smiled.

"Please sit."

My hands started to sweat and I took a deep breath, and sat straight.

"Calm down, there is no reason for you to be so tense."

I laughed and leaned back in the chair, "So what's the news?"

"You have passed, with flying colours. You are now a registered sports medic, here are a list of jobs available. Good luck Briar." She smiled, handing me the packet.

"Thanks so much." I smiled, shaking her hand and leaving the room, running for my car and calling Sam at the same time.


I pulled in and parked and looked for Sam on the patio, finding her blonde mop easily as I slipped over the little fence.

"Ahh!" I yelled, attacking her in a hug. "I fucking did it!"

"Keep it down!" Sam laughed, taking the booklet from my hand. "So Miss Shank, where are you gonna apply?"

I got momentarily distracted looking at the cutest chocolate lab I had seen in my life, kicking her under the table.

"Look!" I whispered.

She peered over her shoulder and than looked at me, "It's adorable!"

I nodded and picked up the menu, a tongue swiping across my face seconds later.

"Ugh!" I laughed, big brown eyes staring into mine.

Tyler POV

Valerie laughed and nodded towards the table behind us, the two girls from the rink were there, the black haired girl smirking and shaking her head before picking up her menu. Then Marshal was gone, almost as if she had called him.

"Marshal!" I half yelled as he jumped onto her, a laugh escaping her.

"Hello beautiful." She cooed, rubbing his ears. "Aren't you just perfect."

"Briar give the poor guy his dog back." Her friend laughed.

"But he's adorable, he can be my cuddle buddy." Briar teased.

"Sorry, but he's already my cuddle buddy." I laughed.

"I'll fight you for him." She smirked, "but I gotta warn you, I play hockey."


"Take it easy Sam. You have a beautiful dog." Briar smiled, flashing perfect white teeth.

"Well thank you, and I'm sorry, he hasn't done that before." I replied, tugging his collar.

"It was no problem. This might seem blunt, but you're the guy I fell on aren't you?" She asked, shaking her head.

"Yeah, didn't think you would remember me." I laughed.

"You kept me from getting a concussion, I think you deserve to be remembered."

"I don't think I caught your name." I smiled.

"Briar, and you're Tyler." She laughed, ducking her head for a moment. "Of the Dallas Stars."

I nodded, and rubbed my neck.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, sorry." She blurted, then jumped up from the table catching her knee. "Ouch, well um, I gotta go apply."

"Whoa, wait." I laughed, catching her wrist. "I'm not uncomfortable, actually you didn't freak out so thanks."

"No problem. I would hate it." She laughed. "But I really do have to go."

"Will I see you again?" I blurted.

"I dunno, maybe." Briar shrugged, then turned to leave.

"Hey, I won't be home tonight." Her friend said.

"Do what you want Samantha." She replied.

Then left through the fence and into her Jeep, the music blaring as she drove off. I returned back to the table, getting a weird look.

"You were over there a while." Valeri commented.

"Didn't know you were a cop." I shot back, stabbing my fries.

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