Chapter 12: Fight

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The guys were packing up for another two week road trip as I swung into Tyler and the Benn's house, not bothering to knock only calling out as Marshal attacked my legs.

"How's my favourite boy?" I smiled, ruffling his ears and grabbing a treat, patting my chest so he placed his paws on my shoulders. "Good boy! If only the humans would listen as well as you do!"

"Hey!" The three objected, tossing their bags at the door.

"How was work?" Tyler asked, taking in the striped shirt and black pants.

"Some little kid almost threw up on me." I shuddered. "I just came for your dog, I need a shower. Badly."

"You could always shower here." Jamie laughed. "It does work you know."

"That's doubtful." I laughed, wrapping Marshal's leash lightly around my neck. "Y'all better kick ass."

"That's all we ever do." Jordie sighed, biting into an apple.

"I'll score for ya." Tyler smirked, pulling a belt loop.

"Mhm, I'll believe it when I see it." I teased.

"You're such an ass." He laughed.

"Well thank ya darlin'." I replied, brushing my lips over his as I whistled for Marshal.

"Don't hurt my dog!" Tyler called.

"Charlie needs her buddy back!" I laughed.


I tossed my feet up onto the coffee table and flicked through the television stations before finding the game, both dogs curled up on either side of me as Tyler broke away and scored.

"Hell yeah!" I cheered, watching the clock tick down to zero, and the score flash along the top. "3-0 baby!"

I typed out a quick message to the team, and then flipped through the stations again, finding Oil Change and putting it on before checking the time.

"11:30!?" I groaned, then put my hands over my face. "Shiitttt."

I dragged myself up from the couch and hauled on my uniform, I had been picked for the late shift for the rest of the week and it was kicking my ass.

Tyler POV

"Come on Tye let's go!" Jamie yelled, banging on the door as I swung it open.

"Yeah man, I'm coming." I laughed, snatching a sweater as the hotel door swung shut behind me. "Where we going?"

"I dunno, some bar." He shrugged.

I nodded and pulled out my phone, a message had appeared on the screen and I opened it up quickly.

My Babe

-fucking night shift 🔫

I laughed and typed a quick 'I'm sorry' before following the rest of the guys down the street, why not have some fun?


"Wanna dance?" A drunk blonde asked.

She was decent, bottle blonde with a dynamite smile, I shrugged and slipped from the booth, pulling her along onto the dance floor as I pressed against her back.

"You're pretty damn cute." She smirked, spinning and wrapping her slinky like arms around my neck.

"You're pretty hot too." I slurred, feeling the effects of the shots and beer.

Her chest pressed against mine, and I had become more than a little excited as I pressed against her little red dress. A dare devil smile had spread across her full lips as she went on tip toes and brushed her mouth over mine. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and grabbed her ass, pulling her closer as her hand slid down to the front of my pants, then suddenly something was screaming at me to stop.

"Wanna come back home with me, I totally wouldn't mind." The chick smiled, pulling at the hem of my shirt.

I searched the crowded bar desperately, then baked quickly away from the girl.

"No, I gotta go." I blurted, setting my drink on the counter and hauling Jamie out by the arm. "I just did something really fucking bad."

Briar POV

I had fifteen minutes for break and it was already 1:30. I was sick of the stupid drunks, and the punk ass teenage kids that thought they ruled the world as I sat on the curb and pulled out my phone.

Sam My Girl :*

-briar, you might wanna see this.

Attached to it was a picture of a bleach blonde Barbie doll, with Tyler draped over her, holding onto her like his life depended on it. My heart dropped and I held in the scream that wanted to tear me to shreds.

"I can't fucking believe him." I whispered to the eerily calm darkness that surrounded me.

Instead I quickly went to the group chat and attached the picture with my once sentence.

Don't expect me to be here when you get back.


Tyler POV

I woke up with a massive hangover and half the team smashing my hotel room door down, mumbled threats and then louder ones as I hauled open the door.

"What?" I asked, not seeing clearly as Jordie shoved me backwards.

"What the fuck were you doing dumbass?" He asked, his voice enraged as he towered over me. "Are you a fucking moron?"

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I exclaimed as a phone was tossed at me.

It was a picture, of last night with the little blonde girl and I, I shrugged and looked up at the group.

"No one can tell Briar." I stated, tossing the phone back.

"Look at the message dipshit." Cody growled.

"Don't expect me to be here when you get back." I read aloud, and then my heart stopped in my chest.

"Way to fucking go." Jamie mumbled, tossing my bag at me.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked appalled.

"Let's just hope she doesn't murder you, because our flight back to Dallas leaves in two hours." Val stated sharply. "And I swear to god if you don't fix it you will probably never play another game in your life."


I rushed through baggage claim and then to the team cars as they drove us back to the arena. From the arena I went to Briar's, and smashed on the door repeatedly.

"Open up! I know you're in there B." I called, my fist starting to ache.

I heard some faint noises, and then the two dogs racing for the door before the door swung open and a bunch of my stuff was tossed out.

"Fuck off." She growled, her normally sky blue eyes flashing with lighting.

Then the door was slammed in my face, a jersey, a few pictures and whatever else related to Dallas was tossed carelessly into a box. I turned back to the door and banged on it again, not stopping until she angrily opened it again.

"I don't want to talk to you, or ever see you again. Got it? Here's Marshal, and now you can get lost and go and fuck that Barbie." Briar growled, voice dripping venom.

"I'm not leaving, I need to tell you the truth." I blurted, shoving my foot in the door so she couldn't close it again.

"I know the truth. You can't handle yourself, you're immature and a dick." Briar stated. "You're the same person that got traded from Boston."

I flinched at her words and then pressed on.

"Briar, you know I'm not like that anymore." I argued.

"Clearly I don't know you at all." She replied icily, "Now leave."

Her words cut like knives and I took a step back, earning another satisfied slam of the door, and a whine from Marshal.

"What the fuck did I do?" I whispered to myself, kicking the box and watching everything scatter. "What do I do to fix it!?"

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