Chapter 26: Gone

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Tyler POV

I slammed my fist into the wall, then grabbed my keys and locked the door, shutting out the TV that showed the latest modelling pictures from Briar and the latest guy who had somehow won her attention.

The only thing was she hated it, her blue eyes had turned black and her smile was forced. All of her energy had disappeared and anger had replaced it, I could tell by the extra hard shove she would give to a player, the easiness of being able to fight someone if they said something wrong, but especially the way she would look lifelessly around the room.

I took off down the street, jogging until my legs burned and my lungs heaved with every breath. I pushed aside the door and strode down the hall to the dressing room, music blaring as I walked in.

Everyone was here, everyone but Briar.

"Garbage." She whined as she burst through the door, leaning over it as her body convulsed.

"Briar!" Someone yelled from behind her and she sank down the wall, landing in a heap of tears.

"Briar." Braxton stated, catching her before she slumped to the ground.

"I am such a fuck up!" She sobbed.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"He tr-tried to-o...." Briar stammered.

"Briar why the hell did you run away?" Some guy asked, puffing in the doorway.

"Stay away from me." She sobbed.


"Don't fucking call me that either!" She screamed. "I fucking hate you, I hate all guys cause they only lead to heart ache and disappointment!"

Her fists flew until she crumpled back into a ball and sobbed.

"They only build up your self esteem to tear it to shreds and use it for their own personal pleasure." She whimpered. "I hate my life, I hate myself. I hate you because you held me against my will and took the only thing from me that could never be replaced."

I heard her words and they automatically flashed through my mind. All I could think about suddenly was this jackass assaulting my girlfriend, the girl I was in love with having something so important taken from her.

Jamie and I reacted at the same time, both of us catching the guy off guard and slamming him into the wall.

"What did you do to her?" Jamie growled, slamming him again.

"Oh don't act so tough, she wanted it." The guy scoffed and I caught him in the mouth, teeth giving way under my hand.

"We don't do that to women." I stated.

His hand went up to wipe blood from his mouth and Jamie tossed him to the side.

"Now what do you say to her?" Jamie asked.

"Nothing cause she's a slut." He replied muffled.

Jordie slammed another fist into his face and the guy stumbled backwards.

"Try again." I growled.

"Fine, I'm sorry." He stated, and Briar's eyes flashed as she stood straight.

"Go to hell." She sniffled, her knee jerking up and her fist also connecting solidly with the guys face.

She shook her hand and then spun for the medical room, a bunch of cupboards opened and closed, then she came out with band aids and gauze, waving Jordie over first.

"Briar you re-" Jordie started as she cleaned his hand.

"No, I don't want to think right now." She whispered.

Her hands moved silently and then she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Thank you." She stated, then waved Jamie over.

He engulfed her in a hug once his hand was done and her shoulders shook again, a muffled thank you escaping as she nodded me over too.

Her hands were ice cold, and tears fell silently down her red cheeks. The normally inviting eyes were blood shot as she finished wrapping my hand.

"Thanks Tye." She stammered, then gathered everything and quietly looked at me. "I wanted it to be you."

The words stabbed me suddenly and she spun for the door to the medic room again, and I reached for her wrist as she stumbled.

"Tyler don't. Please don't." She sobbed, using her other hand to unlock my hand from her wrist.

"Briar I love you." I stated. "I still fucking love you."

"No Tyler. Love shouldn't feel like I'm being stabbed and run over. Love isn't feeling like you're gonna die because you miss someone so much you would rather die than lose them." Briar argued. "There is nothing more that I wanted to her that day than 'yes she's my girlfriend' come from your lips but it didn't! You said no, and that hurt me so much. I told myself that I wasn't going to fall in love with a hockey player. I was going to find someone good for me, and I found someone capable of shattering me, making me vulnerable. I can not be vulnerable."

Her eyes had become glass, tears still cascading down her face.

"So please stop. Find yourself someone good, someone beautiful and worthy of having someone so fantastic in their life because that is not me. I do not deserve you." Briar stated, her voice shaking. "You deserve someone perfect, able to be loved and not broken. I am not her."

I stepped forward and she stepped back, losing her footing as she slammed through the glass of the door and grabbed the door from for support.

Jamie jumped for her and caught her before she landed in the glass and my voice got caught in my throat as she jumped away from the both of us, grabbing her stuff from her cubby.

"I'll see you guys later." Briar whispered, and then she was gone.

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