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"No thanks," you tell the lady, and you and your mom and brother walk away.

"Meet us at the food court at six," your mom tells you, and they walk off to some other part of the mall, leaving you to shop for Christmas presents on your own.


"Did you find a present for everyone you wanted to buy a present for?" your mom asks you.

"Yeah," you tell her. She nods.

"Good," she says. "Now what do you want to eat?"


You walk through the door and into your home.

"Can I open my present now?" b/n asks your mom as they also enter.

"Yes, sweetie," she agrees. She takes the present that "Mrs. Claus" gave him out of one of her shopping bags and gives it to him. "Here you go." He opens it up and pulls out a gold coin that is kind of large and has a picture of a four-leaf clover engraved on both sides. Your mom makes a confused face.

"What is that?" she asks and takes it from him. She turns it in her hands, seeming to inspect it. "Looks like Mrs. Claus was confused. Christmas is coming up, not St. Patrick's Day! And I think- I'm not sure- but this is heavy, like real gold." B/n looks very excited at this.

"I'm rich!" he exclaims and takes the coin back from your mom. He runs off towards his bedroom, and, once he is out of your sight, you hear a crash. "Ow!" he shouts. "Who put that toy there?"


"So, they gave him that instead of a candy cane or something else like that?" your dad questions you as you tell him about b/n's coin, him having come home from work.

"I guess so," you respond.


"Y/n, wake up!" your mom says urgently, shaking you. You can tell immediately that something is wrong. You look at the digital clock next to your bed. It's 1:36 in the morning.

"What's going on?" you ask.

"B/n's missing," she tells you. "Your dad and I have been searching for him for an hour after I checked in on him and discovered that he wasn't in his bed." You almost panic and jump right out of bed.

"I've called the police," your dad tells your mom as he comes into your room. You can see the fear in their eyes. That same worry is probably in yours as well.

"Where all haven't you looked?" you ask.

"We haven't checked around the neighborhood yet," your dad responds.

So you and your mom look. And look. And look some more. Your dad stays home to receive the police and answer their questions.

Eventually, you've been searching for hours. You and your mom even split up to cover more ground.

You come to an open space near some woods. You nearly gasp. There in the space, written in icy letters, are the words "I know where b/n l/n is".

"Hello?" you ask the empty air around you. It's soon filled with snowflakes as snow begins to fall, and you shiver and stick your hands in your coat pockets. You don't hear anyone respond, but you do see something peculiar. Footsteps are appearing in the snow. You are slightly unnerved, but someone has to be there, right? As you think this thought, a pale boy appears in front of you, filling the latest set of footsteps.

"Do you know him?" he asks you, gesturing to the ice message. You're fairly certain that you know who this boy is.

"Are you...Jack Frost?" you ask him.

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now