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"We could barge into his lair with a giant army," you suggest. "Then, while Pitch's distracted, you guys and I could find my brother."

"Hm...that just might work," North says. "But it's so close to Christmas...I don't want to make Yetis pause their work to fight..."

"North, if Pitch gets away with whatever he's planning on doing to my brother and continues to do whatever he's trying to do, you might not deliver any presents this year," you point out.

"You know my real name?" he asks you.

"Yeah," you say, as if it's no big deal.

"Are we gonna need my Warrior Eggs?" Bunny asks. A picture made out of golden sand of North's Yetis, Bunny's Warrior Eggs, Tooth's fairies, and Sandy's Dreamsand creations appeared above Sandy's head.

"Sandy's right," Tooth says. "If we're going up against Pitch, we need everybody. Hopefully it's okay if my fairies are away from their jobs for a bit..." She sounds worried.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Toothiana," Bunny tells her. "They probably won't even be away for half an hour."

"So, are you guys gonna go get your...people now?" you ask, impatient.

"Yes, right away," Tooth says, and she and Bunny head off to get the fairies and Warrior Eggs. North also exits the room, probably to get his Yetis together.


You, the Guardians, and their armies are now packed into a single large room in North's workshop. Everyone knows what they're supposed to do. The armies will distract Pitch and his Nightmares while you and the Guardians search for b/n, although the latter will also help fight so as not to be suspicious that something bigger's going on. You, although North gave you a sword to defend yourself with if need be, will mainly just be scouring the lair for your brother amidst the chaos. Once someone's found him, they'll shoot one of North's flare guns that North pulled out from one of his storage rooms and that he had nearly forgotten about. Then, North will open up one of his portals, and everyone will retreat.

"Let's go!" he shouts, and he pulls out a snow globe, whispers something into it, and throws it onto the ground, causing it to burst into a multicolor portal. Everyone lets out a battle cry as they rush the portal and cross into Pitch's lair. As you go through that portal, you tumble onto the ground in disorientation, but you get up and regain balance quicker than you did the first time. You pat the flare gun in your pocket to make sure it's still there and then start looking around. Yetis, Warrior Eggs, and fairies are everywhere fighting Nightmares, but you can't see Pitch, any Guardians, or b/n anywhere. This concerns you as you struggle to squirm through the chaos of the battle to search for your brother.

Then, you see someone that you've never seen before. The teenage girl's just standing there as members of the Guardians' army keep on trying to attack her, but they are failing, either tripping or missing every time. Around her neck on a golden chain is a gold coin that looks exactly like yours, except that it seems to have some sort of dark aura. That necklace appears out of place amidst her normal-looking emerald-green-and-deep-blue-striped sweater, blue jeans, and green tennis shoes. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her straight dark brown hair falls a few inches past her shoulders. You cautiously make your way away from her and continue to search for your brother. She doesn't really appear to be a good person.

You trip over a Yeti's foot as you spot something in a corner, falling on your face. Once you've picked yourself up, the something is gone. You are wondering what it was when something creates a long cut in your arm. The members of the Guardians' army that are nearby swarm your attacker, and he teleports to somewhere else in the cave. It was Pitch.

You look at where he attacked you. Luckily, the cut doesn't seem too deep. It will probably just heal on its own, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt. It does.

You continue to search for b/n. The battle is getting more intense now. More and more Nightmares are appearing, and one almost takes a bite out of your face before a Warrior Egg destroys it. You feel a new sense of energy in you. Is your brother also being hurt in this battle? Is he scared? You have to find him soon!

You nearly accidentally smack a fairy as you try to worm your way through the battle. It's getting harder to move. You hear something explode above you, and you look up and to the left of you to see something red and firework-like dissolving in the air. It's a flare. Someone's found b/n! The chaos begins to recede as all of the good beings head towards wherever North opened a portal. You follow them but trip and fall to the ground, and standing up amidst all those people is hard. However, you manage to make it to the portal and go through, barely managing to stay on your feet because of how dizzying going through it is.

"Where is he?" you ask. "Where is b/n?"

"He's right here," North responds to your right. You turn, and your brother runs to you.

"Y/n!" he shouts as you embrace him. "See? Santa's real."

"Thanks, North!" you say happily.

"Your welcome," he says back. Now that your brother is safe, you feel relieved.


It's almost night now. The Guardians have been in a room discussing stuff, probably Pitch, his Nightmares, and such, for a long time. They didn't let you in. They said that they wanted to talk by themselves for a while.

You and your brother are currently playing hide-and-seek with some of the elves. You're hiding behind some boxes in a storage room, and you begin to think about what you most want to do once Pitch is defeated now that you know the Guardians. What is it?

Become good friends with the Guardians!- 4.0

Explore all of the Guardians' places- you can only imagine how cool they are!- 4.1

At the moment, you're just determined to defeat Pitch.- 4.2

You'd like to help the Guardians with their jobs.- 4.3  

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now