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"Here, would you like to stay in my room with me for tonight?" you ask him.

"Yes...," he responds.

"Don't worry. We're safe here," you tell him, and he looks slightly less scared.


"Y/n!" b/n shouts as he shakes you awake. "Get up! We're leaving!"

"For home?" you mumble as you reluctantly regain consciousness.

"No, we're going somewhere else," he responds. "The Guardians won't tell me where, though. They said something about visiting someone's parents, but not ours."

"Why do I have to get up now?" you ask.

"They said they want to get there early for some reason," he answers. "I don't know why. I'll go ask." He runs out of the room as you sit up in bed. No matter what the reason is, you're pretty sure that they're still going to make you get up. You groggily get out of bed and do your best to get ready as quickly as possible. As you put on your clothes from yesterday, you think that you'll ask the Guardians to let you go get a few things from your house after the visit. If they won't let you, perhaps you can persuade Tooth to get them for you by pointing out that you don't have your toothbrush or toothpaste.

Your brother comes back in the room as you, fully clothed, are brushing through your hair with your fingers. An elf with a plate of waffles follows him in.

"They said that they want to take down the Boogeyman and the girl as soon as possible, and that they need to ask a couple people some questions to help think of a plan," b/n tells you. You nod and grab a few waffles off of the elf's tray. As you begin to eat one of them, you brother drags you into the hall. The Guardians are coming towards you both.

"Where is your coin?" Tooth asks you.

"In my room on my dresser," you tell her once you swallowed the bite you were chewing, and she zooms off with a bag, a pair of gloves, and two snow globes in her hands, presumably to get it. "Why do you guys need it?" you then ask the remaining Guardians.

"You'll see, mate," Bunny answers.

It isn't too long until Tooth returns by portal. However, by then, you're on your last waffle.

"Once you finish eating, we'll go," Jack tells you, a bag similar to Tooth's in his hand. It looks like a miniature Santa's sack, and you assume that it has your brother's coin in it.

When you finish your waffle, North opens up a portal, and you, your brother, and the Guardians all go through. You appear in a place covered in snow that appears to be in the middle of nowhere, just a giant plain. Sandy brushes some snow off of a part of the ground, revealing a wooden trapdoor, and knocks.

"Who's der?" an Irish-accented male voice calls up from below the door.

"It's us," Tooth answers, "the Guardians." The trapdoor opens to a chubby man with curly red hair and emerald green eyes and that is wearing a plain, green long-sleeved t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"Come on in," the man says, and you all follow him down a wooden ladder into a cozy living room with a couch, a few chairs, a coffee table, and a Christmas tree, as well as a picture of a little girl hanging on the wall.

"Honey, who is it?" a female voice asks from another room down the hall, her accent also Irish.

"It's da Guardians, Shannon," the man, who you assume to be her husband, answers.

"Da Guardians?" Shannon asks. A woman with dark hair and bright blue eyes sticks her head out through a door in the hallway that's on the opposite side of the room from where you're standing. "Are dey here because of..."

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now