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"I don't have any ideas, but I really want to rescue him as soon as possible," you say.

"I know! How about most of us distract Pitch while one or two people find and rescue b/n?" North suggests.

"That could work," Tooth says.

"Then it's settled," North says. "Who wants to be rescuer?"

"Me," you say without thinking. "He's my brother, after all."

"You'll need a Guardian to be with you," Jack says, "one that can fly. He's probably up in one of Pitch's cages."

"I'll go with her," Tooth volunteers.

"Good," North says. "Now, let's go!" He pulls out a snow globe, whispers something into it, and throws it on the ground, creating a multicolor portal to Pitch's lair. You and the Guardians go through it. You fall to the ground in disorientation, but then you stand back up quicker than you were able to before.

Standing a ways in front of you and the Guardians with evil smiles on their faces are Pitch and a teenage girl that you've never seen before. Around the girl's neck on a golden chain is a gold coin that looks exactly like yours, except that it seems to have some sort of dark aura. The necklace appears out of place amidst her normal-looking emerald-green-and-deep-blue-striped sweater, blue jeans, and green tennis shoes. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her long, straight dark brown hair falls a few inches past her shoulders.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" Pitch asks, gesturing at you and the Guardians. "Nightmares, attack!" You realize that, in your desperation to save your brother, you forgot to ask for a weapon. You stand over by Tooth in the hopes that she and the other Guardians can defend you.

"Here," North says to you from your left, and he hands you one of his swords. Now you're not as helpless anymore. You slash at Nightmares as they come towards you, but it isn't as easy as North makes it look. The sword isn't necessarily what one would consider "light", and, once, you even trip and fall, although this doesn't seem to be the sword's fault.

You can see that the Guardians are having trouble fighting both Pitch and the Nightmares at once. The girl you don't know, however, doesn't seem to care whether she wins or loses this fight. She's just standing in the same spot she was when you first saw her. Still, keeping Pitch's attention away from you and Tooth is going to be harder than you thought it was going to be for them.

North, Bunny, Sandy, and Jack get close to one another, and North, Bunny, and Sandy start helping defend Jack, probably so that he could draw Pitch's attention away from you and Tooth, who are his current targets. You jump to the side, narrowly avoiding a scythe. He's about to try to get Tooth when Jack shoots him with some ice. Pitch turns towards him, and he gets shot again. Now that his attention isn't on you or Tooth anymore, you two begin to look around, your eyes scanning the place for your brother. You spot him up in a cage, and you point him out to Tooth. His hands are tied behind his back, and his mouth is also bound with Nightmaresand, making him unable to call out to anyone.

Tooth grabs you and pulls you upward into the air while you continue to fend off Nightmares. The battle between Jack and Pitch continues below. Once you make it to the cage, you open to door and pick him up. Tooth then hurriedly flies you both back to the ground, clearly tired from the effort. She unbinds b/n, and you three make your way over to the others. Sandy uses Dreamsand whips to throw Pitch back, giving everyone time to get through the portal that North creates a second later. It closes just before Pitch or any Nightmares get through. You barely managed to stay on your feet when you went through because of how dizzying it was.

You then embrace your brother, now that you both are out of danger. Now that he's safe, you feel relieved.


It's almost night now. The Guardians have been in a room discussing stuff, probably Pitch, his Nightmares, and such, for a long time. They didn't let you in. They said that they wanted to talk by themselves for a while.

You and your brother are currently playing hide-and-seek with some of the elves. You're hiding behind some boxes in a storage room, and you begin to think about what you most want to do once Pitch is defeated. What is it?

Become good friends with the Guardians!- 4.16

Explore all of the Guardians' places- you can only imagine how cool they are!- 4.17

At the moment, you're just determined to defeat Pitch first.- 4.18

Help the Guardians with their jobs!- 4.19  

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now