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"How about we do something that Pitch'll never expect?" you suggest. "Then, we'll have an advantage."

"Hm...that just might work," North says.

"But what exactly did you have in mind?" Tooth asks you. You explain your plan to them, and they laugh (in a good way).

"We just need a few supplies," North says, and he goes to retrieve them.


Everyone's ready. North pulls out a snow globe, whispers something into it, and throws it on the ground, creating a multicolor portal to Pitch's lair. You, North, Bunny, Sandy, and Jack go through it. You then fall to the ground in disorientation, but you stand back up quicker than you were able to before.

Standing a ways in front of you and the Guardians with evil smiles on their faces are Pitch and a teenage girl that you've never seen before. Around her neck on a golden chain is a gold coin that looks exactly like your brother's, except that it seems to have some sort of dark aura. The necklace appears out of place amidst her normal-looking emerald-green-and-deep-blue-striped sweater, blue jeans, and green tennis shoes. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her long, straight dark brown hair falls a few inches past her shoulders.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" Pitch asks, gesturing at you, but you and the others throw multicolor glitter in both his face and the face of the girl. They cough and blink a lot, appearing to be slightly disoriented.

You and the Guardians take this time to begin searching for b/n. You scan the cages above you with your eyes, and you spot him! However, his cage is pretty high up, so you won't be able to reach him. Either Jack or Sandy will have to, because they can fly.

B/n looks at you with panic in his eyes. His hands are tied behind his back, and there's Nightmaresand over his mouth, so he can't call out to anyone.

You look back at the Guardians, and the expression on their faces tell you that they see him, too.

Pitch and the girl then stop coughing and such and start making their way towards you and the others.

"Nightmares, attack!" Pitch commands. The horse-like creatures come out of dark corners. You pull out your sword that North had given you for this battle only and get ready for a fight. A confused and infuriated expression then comes over Pitch's face. He's probably just noticed that Tooth's not here. She's really just back at North's workshop, but he doesn't know that. He probably thinks that she's sneaking around in his lair somewhere. "Have you seen Toothiana in here? The hummingbird woman?" Pitch asks the girl standing next to him.

"I haven't," she says, an Irish accent in her voice. And then the battle begins.

Pitch forms a scythe in his hands and charges at you and the Guardians, while the girl just stands there, not seeming to care whether she wins or loses this battle. Nightmares also run towards you and the Guardians, and you begin to have to use your sword to fight them off. However, it proves to be trickier than North makes it look.
Pitch is mainly focusing on the Guardians, but he seems distracted, probably trying to look for Tooth. This is what you and the others were hoping for. Jack manages to blast him in the back with some ice, and this makes him turn around. Sandy begins to try to make his way towards your brother.

Bunny then hits Pitch with one of his boomerangs, causing him to turn back around to face him. Pitch then spots Sandy, who is nowhere near the other Guardians and fairly close to b/n's cage now. To distract him, you pull out a mini flashlight from one of your pockets and turn it on, shining the light directly in his eyes. Disoriented and grimacing, he turns away slightly and puts one hand over his eyes. This gives Sandy just enough time to open your brother's cage and pick him up.

"Everyone, come to me!" North shouts as Pitch regains his sense of sight. The evil being creates a scythe and brings it down, nearly hitting North. You and the other Guardians start trying to make your way there. It's very difficult, but eventually, you all make it, and are still fighting Pitch off when North uses a snow globe to create a portal. All of you run through it, and it closes just before Pitch or any Nightmares get through. You barely managed to stay on your feet when you went through because of how dizzying it was.

"Y/n!" your brother shouts as he runs over to you, and you embrace him.

"Thanks, Sandy!" you say happily. He just smiles and nods in response.

Now that your brother is safe, you feel relieved.


It's almost night now. The Guardians have been in a room discussing stuff, probably Pitch, his Nightmares, and such, for a long time. They didn't let you in. They said that they wanted to talk by themselves for a while.

You and your brother are currently playing hide-and-seek with some of the elves. You're hiding behind some boxes in a storage room, and you begin to think about what you most want to do once Pitch is defeated. What is it?

Become good friends with the Guardians!- 4.12

Explore all of the Guardians' places- you can only imagine how cool they are!- 4.13

At the moment, you're just determined to defeat Pitch first.- 4.14

Help the Guardians with their jobs!- 4.15  

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now