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"We should do crafts," you respond.

"What?!" exclaims Jack, who was clearly hoping for a suggestion that involved something more physically active.

"I'll go get supplies from my workshop!" declares North, and he leaves the Warren via portal.

"Why don't we play tag some more or something?" Jack begs.

"We'd like to do something more relaxing," Tooth explains to him. "And North just likes to make things in general. Come on, Jack. What would you call making snowmen, hm?" Jack's face lights up as the idea crosses his mind.

"Not in my Warren!" Bunny shouts at him, and Jack creates a snowball with his staff and throws it at his face. Bunny continues to chase him around.

A portal then appears a few feet in front of you, and North steps out of it with a few boxes in his hands.

"I got some things," he announces, and he sets the boxes down in the grass and opens them up. Inside one are paper, scissors, glue, tape, markers, colored pencils, and glitter. Wood, nails, screws, a couple hammers, a couple of screwdrivers, and some paint are in another. The last one holds a random assortment of scraps of colored paper.

Sandy comes right over to choose his supplies: a bunch of colored paper and some tape. North digs out some of the wood, nails, and such, which he clearly brought mainly for himself, although you don't think he'll object to anyone else using them, too. You get what you want from the boxes and then find a place to sit down while mostly everyone goes over to the boxes who hasn't. Jack and Bunny, however, are still fighting. You can tell that Bunny wants to come and join the rest of you, but he continues to try to keep Jack from creating snow in his Warren.

"What are you making?" b/n asks you as he comes over to sit by you with his supplies. You tell him.

"What about you?" you ask him back.

"I don't know," he says. "A random thing." Jack and Bunny begin to fight closer to everyone and their creations-in-progress, and a snowball hits your brother's creation.

"Hey!" he shouts at Jack angrily. "You wrecked my thing!"

"Sorry!" Jack apologizes. "But maybe if Bunny would just let me build a few snowmen in here..."

"It's your fault, Jack, not his!" b/n yells. "My thing is ruined now! You owe me a hundred of Uaithne's golden coins once they're not evil anymore!"

What do you do?

Tell b/n not to worry and that you'll help him make an even better thing.- 8.12

Just start fixing your brother's thing without saying anything.- 8.13  

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now