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"How about we sneak in without anyone noticing and save my brother without having to fight?" you suggest.

"Sneaking in and not being noticed would be hard," Tooth points out.

"Well, we can at least try!" you say.

"But we should still be prepared to fight," North says. "Just in case."

"Fine," you say.

"Then let's go!" North shouts. He pulls out a snow globe, whispers something into it, and throws it on the ground, creating a multicolor portal. You and the Guardians go through. You fall to the ground in disorientation, but you stand back up quicker than you were able to before.

Standing a ways away from you and the Guardians, for you are in one of the far corners of the lair, are Pitch and a teenage girl that you've never seen before. Around the girl's neck on a golden chain is a gold coin that looks exactly like yours, except that it seems to have some sort of dark aura. The necklace appears out of place amidst her normal-looking emerald-green-and-deep-blue-striped sweater, blue jeans, and green tennis shoes. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her long, straight dark brown hair falls a few inches below her back.

They're discussing something with one another, but you can't hear what they're saying. Luckily, the portal opened behind some stairs, so its glow was hidden from them.

You and the Guardians begin looking around for your brother, scanning the area around you with your eyes. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bunny point to a cage hanging from the ceiling. In that cage is your brother. His hands are tied behind his back, and his mouth is also bound with Nightmaresand, so he can't call out to any of you.

The other Guardians nod to Bunny, indicating that they see b/n. Everyone begins creeping closer to the cage, which is on the other end of the cave. You all stick close to the walls, desperately hoping not to be seen. Unfortunately for you, you trip over your own feet and land on the ground with a thud. Pitch and the unfamiliar girl stop talking and look in the direction of you and the Guardians. You hold your breath as your heart pounds in your chest. Luckily, they look away. You and the others were probably hidden from view by some stairs again. You stand up, and you all continue to make your way towards b/n.

All of a sudden, you hear a scream-like neigh, and a Nightmare appears in front of you. Then another. And another. Soon, you and the Guardians are surrounded by them. You've been spotted! The Guardians get out their weapons and form a circle around you, you being unarmed. They fight their way towards your brother. Once, you have to duck to keep a Nightmare from taking a bite out of your head.

Eventually, you and the Guardians make it to right below your brother's cage. Jack, Tooth, and Sandy- the Guardians that can fly- fight their way upwards to it. North and Bunny stay down below, as well as you, since none of you can fly. The flying Guardians are now out of your sight, surrounded by Nightmares. All you can do is wait and try to stay safe.

A few minutes later, those three Guardians return, Tooth holding your brother. North opens up a portal, and everyone goes through. You barely manage to stay on your feet because of how dizzying it is. You look back through the portal and see Pitch's face glaring at you through the army of Nightmares, and then the portal closes before anything dark can get through.

"Y/n!" your brother shouts as he runs to you, now out of danger, and you embrace him. Now that he's safe, you feel relieved.


It's almost night now. The Guardians have been in a room discussing stuff, probably Pitch, his Nightmares, and such, for a long time. They didn't let you in. They said that they wanted to talk by themselves for a while.

You and your brother are currently playing hide-and-seek with some of the elves. You're hiding behind some boxes in a storage room, and you begin to think about what you most want to do once Pitch is defeated. What is it?

Become good friends with the Guardians!- 4.24

Explore all of the Guardians' places- you can only imagine how cool they are!- 4.25

At the moment, you're just determined to defeat Pitch first.- 4.26

Help the Guardians with their jobs!- 4.27  

The Corrupted One (a Choose-Your-Own-Path Christmas RotG Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now