Chapter 6

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"I told you what I know! So you'll let me go, right?" Asked the sniper. "Yup." I said, "Really?" He asks smiling. "Fuck nah..." I grab him, "...I'm turning you in to the police!"

Time skip

I was in the elevator going to Ozpin's office to see if he'll give me a reward for saving Schnee. "Ozpin, I've come to bargain!" I exclaimed. He takes a sip of that endless mug of his and asks, "What do you want?" I take a seat in front of his desk. "Since I have saved Schnee, I have one request. Between 7:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. I can go anywhere I want without any of the four girls following me."

"Why specifically 7:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.?" He asks, "Personal reasons." I said. "I can't give you your request with a vague reason." He says. I leaned into his ear and whispered what I wanted. "Well, I can see why it's personal. Alright, you may have your request."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, I then went to the elevator. When I got down to ground level, Little Red was waiting for me. "Hi Little Red." Little Red just runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Oh, okay." I said, surprised by her hug.

"Thank you for saving my best friend!" She said. "Uh huh, don't mention it. Seriously don't mention it, Lily will never let down the fact I saved a Schnee." I said not hugging her back, once she finally lets go we walked to our dorm room. "This is great process!" She said, "Huh?" I muttered.

"You saved my best friend instead of letting her die and you turned in the sniper instead of killing him. You really are changing your ways!" She said, "And together we are going to take down the nine assassins!" Who in the what now? "Hold up, nine assassins?" I ask.

"Yeah, turns out the sniper didn't tell you everything. There are nine other assassins, but taking care of them should be easy with the two of us!" Nope, nope, nope! Not doing that! "Yeah, no!" I said. "W-What?" She whimpered, " I'm not going to help her with her bounty problem, me saving her was a one time thing!" I said, then we entered our room to see the rest of team RWBY and some guy I don't know. "Oh hell, what the hell?" Was my first reaction to him.

The guy has white hair that went to his chin, red eyes, wears gray a stand up collar jacket, loose dark blue pants, black boots, and fingerless gloves. "Guys, who's he?" asked Little Red. The guy says, "I am 14NC3 or Lance. I am a-"

"His name is Lance and he's an android sent to protect me." Said Schnee, interrupting the android. "Great. Schnee has a sex-bot!" I said. "He's not a sex-bot!" Yelled Schnee. "But I can perform sexual activities, if I am ordered to." We all just stare at him. "See? What he just said proves my point!" I said.

"Well, I'm happy to add an other member to team RWBY. I'm Ruby Ro-" Lance interrupted her. "Ruby Rose, yes I know who you are. I have scanned you and looked at your Internet history." He bluntly said. "Great the sex-bot invades everyone's privacy!" I said, he then turned to me.

"And you are Derek Miller, also known as the Blood Wolf. Crimes you have committed, murder, kidnapping, cannibalism, acts of terrorism, weapons trafficking, stealing weapons and dust from, Atlas, Truax industries,the Schnee Dust Company, and under age drinking and smoking." He then turns to Schnee.

"Ms. Schnee I highly advise you keep your distance from him." He said. "It's alright, Derek is under our watch." Schnee said. "That is a giant risk of your safety. I must speak to your headmaster." Lance then tries to leave the room, but Schnee stopped him. "I don't think Ozpin would like a stranger going into his office!" said Schnee.

"I have already met your headmaster, he was the one let me in." Geez, Ozpin would let anyone in these days. "What!" Schnee exclaimed, "We have to talk to him about this!" She grabbed Lance's hand and left.

"Well then, now that's over with. I'll be heading out in the forest area of the school." I then left to the forest area, I text Travis to meet me there for his fighting lessons. 'Sorry, I can't make it. My arm and leg are Broken.' He texted back. I swear to god, if Cardin and his band of fuck nuggets jumped him. I'm going to slowly cut off all his limbs with a dull butter knife. Might as well take the opportunity to take a dose of miracle.

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