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I was researching PTSD for Derek and found this, it's so sad to see people who has served our country and coming home with the hell they have seen

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I was researching PTSD for Derek and found this, it's so sad to see people who has served our country and coming home with the hell they have seen. This is why I made this fanfic, why I created Derek. To rise awareness of veterans with PTSD.

Sorry if I bummed you out by showing you this instead of an other chapter. Chapter 9 is at over 1,000 words (basically the first act of the chapter) so it should be published around sometime this week, maybe.

Thank you all for the reading my fanfic especially the ones who vote and darkprince171 if it wasn't for him this fanfic would have never been made.

I'm going to give my big brother a hug and thank him for serving his four years.

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