Chapter 14

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Edward's POV

I wake up tied to a chair with my cybernetic parts gone. A woman in a red dress is in front of me along with some people behind her. "Hello Edward, nice to see you're finally awake. I've heard that your company had cut ties to the White Fang." she said, "Well, you heard right." I responded, "Well that's not really fair to the cripples in the White Fang." she said.

"If you people weren't trying to kill Derek, I'd donate some things." I said, "We're not trying to kill Derek. Just take him." she responded, "You can have him, after I make him suffer." I said, "We could help you with that." she said, "What do mean?" I ask.

Derek's POV

"Okay, I'll do it." I said, agreeing to Professor Squelette that I'd go level one for a day. "Good, get changed and Atlas soldiers will escort you to Beacon." He said, leaving. I change into my leather jacket and jeans outfit. I look in the mirror and stare at my blind eye as I caress my scar. I put on my sunglasses and follow the Atlas soldiers to see humans outside the hospital doors yelling and trying to get inside.

The Atlas soldiers pushed them back as I make my way to the car. Insults and threats being shouted at me. "Murderer! Who's going help rise my baby?!" shouted a pregnant lady, "Just sentence the piece of shit to death already!" yelled out a man, "Hey asshole, this for my daddy!" exclaimed a young woman as she runs up to me with a pistol, but the gun jammed when she fired. An Atlas soldier tackles her and handcuffs her. "Kill the Blood Wolf!" she shouted as another Atlas soldier grabs me and tosses me in the car.

"A lot of people hate ya, kid." said a guy in a white coat, "Who the fuck are you?" I ask, "The name's Qrow." he introduced himself as a poured a cup of whiskey. "Thanks." I said as I take his cup, "That ain't for..." I just drank it in front of him. "Are you always a dick?" he asks, "Just to humans." I answered, "If you weren't friends with Yang and Ruby I'd kick your ass because of that attitude." he responded.

"you know them? Let me guess, you're the creepy old man that stalks them, am I right?" I sarcastically ask, "I'm their uncle." I almost spat out the whiskey when he said that. "You're Ruby's uncle?" asked a surprised me, I then spat out the whiskey back in the cup and gave it back to him. " thanks." he said, getting a new glass from the mini bar.

"So Mr. Rose," I say in a respectful tone, "It's Branwen..." he corrected as he takes a sip of his whiskey, "...and you can call me Qrow. Also word of advice: Don't turn into kiss ass like how you just did now. Stand your ground." he said, "I have held my ground before." I said, referring to my time in the White Fang when I would get orders to hold at all costs.

"That's different." he said as he takes another sip of his whisky, "So, why are you here?" I ask, "Just wanted to talk to you myself. Ozpin been telling me that you been getting pretty friendly to my niece." He called out, "She reminds me of my little sister." I said, hoping Qrow would leave it that. He didn't, "She's two years younger than you, did you know that?" he asks, "Yes, I'm aware of that." I answer, are we at Beacon yet?

He just chuckles, "I'm just messing with you. If Ozpin trusts you, then I can trust you. I have never doubted the man." Oh thank god! "But if you do anything funny with her, I'll do worse than put you in a three day coma." he threatened, "I was out for three days?" I ask, "Yup, also there's something you should know. That nurse friend of yours, well I don't know to put it lightly, she's dead." Qrow said.

"Vanessa's dead?" I said, can't say I'm devastated but she was a good girl. Guess there's no point in looking for her real dad. "Poor Vanessa..." Qrow and I turned to see Riley, "...the author had plans for her. Derek was suppose to discover that the mob boss mentioned when he was talking to the rat faunus to be Vanessa's father. After that discovery Vanessa and her dad would've bonded, then after a peaceful protest goes wrong, Vanessa's dad was suppose to die in her arms and she was going take a molotov to the face. While that was going on Vanessa was also being influenced by Derek's violent ways and betrays her passive ways after her father dies. She then takes over her dad's gang and becomes a villain." She ranted. What the fuck is up with this girl?

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