Chapter 9

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I should save her, a hero doesn't let his friend die! "Look for the medic! One of the White Fang should be a medic, if I remember correctly." I ordered. Little Red looks through the unconscious bodies of White Fang for a medic. I go to comfort Lily. "Don't worry, we're going to save Emma and she'll cure you in return." Lily just screams.

"I am sure she'll do it. She does owe me for the arm." she screams some more, "If she dies I'll rip out her tongue and give it to a chemistry teacher. You said it's so easy to make a cure of it a chemistry teacher can do it, right?" Lily screams in pain, "Good, good, how long would it take?" she screams again, "10 to 15 minutes? Damn, don't worry I'll be by your side while the cure is being made." she screams, "Really? At time like this and you're making shipping jokes of me and Little Red."

"Um...Derek. I found the medic." said Little Red. I go over there to see the medic was the guy whose throat I slit open earlier. "I'll search him. You go take care of Emma." I search his dead body. I find his scroll, wallet, condom, keys, photo of him and his daughter, aha! Med kit! I open it and got out an adrenaline shot. I run up to Emma. "Is that going save her?" ask Little Red. "No idea. I saw this in a movie."

I then stab the adrenaline shot into Emma's heart and injected it. She shoots back up, hyperventilating. "Calm down, how do you feel?" I calmly ask. "F-Fine.....what happened?" She asked. She was shaking. "You overdosed, but luckily the faunus over there had a med kit." I said. She looks terrified. Lily then screams in pain. "Uh huh, hold on a minute. Emma is bit spooked by her overdose." I told Lily.

Le time skip

I was reading my book of fables while buffy laid on my chest resting. I miss petting her while reading. I then heard knocking on my door, when I opened it to see Emma dressed in Beacon's school uniform. "H-Hi." muttered Emma, "Um...sup?" I responded. "I come to say sorry about infecting Lily, having your arm cut off, and trying to kill your girlfriend." she said, "Little Red is not my girlfriend... " I said blushing.

"Ozpin talked to me and said I could join Beacon, change my ways and use my skills as a huntress." She said. This is weird seeing her like this. "Why the sudden change of heart?" I ask. "When I was overdosing, I saw my life flash before my eyes. How I wasted it on snorting coke, fucking guys who's names I won't remember, being part of a radical extremist group that'll probably make humans hate us more." she answered.

"Well, I'm going to visit Lily at the hospital. Wanna come?" I ask. She nodded yes. "Cool I just need to call Little Red and see if she can take me there." I got out my scroll but Emma stopped me. "Ozpin wanted me to tell you that you don't have to have someone from team RWBY to go with you outside of Beacon." She said. Cool, saving Emma was worth it. "You still can't carry your weapons around without two people from team RWBY and one less member of team RWBY is on your case." She said. I hope that one less member is Schnee.

"Who the one less member?" I ask. "Weiss, since she already has to deal with her assassins, Ozpin must've thought she has enough on her plate." She said. Once we got out of beacon we called a taxi and made our way to hospital Lily was in.

"So um, how are the others?" I ask. "Nathan, Kate, and Pluto were sad that you went back to save Ruby, but Ursula was heartbroken. When we told her about our plan to ambush you guys and get you back, she was so happy, "My best friend is coming home!" she would yell in excitement. She was like a little girl in a candy store, but when we told her about you choosing Ruby over us. She ran into her room crying, even leaving her puppet on the floor." she said.

"I'm not her best friend! That girl is coo coo for cocoa puffs, acting like that damn puppet is sentient." I said. We entered the hospital after I paid the taxi driver. I ask the clerk where Lily is and we make our way there.

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