Chapter 13

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I listen to Yang and refused to open the door for Ruby. "I need men in the purging room, now!" I order as Derek's arm slowly grows. "Is the door going to hold?" asked Blake, while Yang and Ruby are arguing. "Not for long, find stuff to barricade it!" I order Blake as I help her out.

We both start piling shit on the door. Derek's grimm arm has fully grown. The mercenaries I called for rush into the room. Derek's bone gauntlets break through the hand cuff. My mercenaries aim at the door, I activate the wrist gun on my robot arm and aim. Derek claws out the cuffs on his feet.

Ruby and Yang are still arguing! "Girls, quit your arguing. A pissed off bloodthirsty Derek is trying to break out!" I exclaim, "Why haven't you barricaded the window?" Asked Blake. So everyone can see that Derek will always be a monster. "Shit!" I exclaim, pretending that I forgot about it.

Derek rips off the purging chair and tosses it through the window. He jumps through it and tackles me. He tries to bite me but I use my robot arm for cover and he bites that instead. A mercenary runs up to Derek with a pistol and shoots him in the head. Derek just turns to him and says, "Thanks, I had an itch there!" in a psychotic tone and slices the mercenary's hand off.

He falls on his knees, screaming as he grabs his wrist. Derek then ends his life by stabbing his head and scooping off the top half. I take this chance to grab his neck with my robot arm, but Derek just cuts it off. He was about to finish me but my men fired at him, I duck and cover from the gunfire. "Have you guys ever heard of crossfire? You could've shot me!" I exclaim.

I then remembered that there is a level two Derek in front of me and I quickly crawled out of there. I go to the girls and pull out my pistol. "Who here can take him on at this level?" I ask, "Maybe Yang?" Ruby answers. "Maybe? Whatever, we out number him!" I said.

After my men empty there rifles on him, Derek heals himself as the bullets pop out of his wounds. "You guys fucked up my leather jacket!" he exclaims, he lunges forward and slices off a mercenary's leg. He then upward stabs another's head, the mercenary grabs his arm then dies seconds later. He slices off the arm of another mercenary and tackles the one next to him and bites off a chunk of his neck.
"Yeah, fuck that! Everyone to elevator!" I exclaim as Ruby, Blake, Yang, and I run to elevator, while my men fight him off. I press the button to get us the fuck out of there. Derek runs to the elevator doors and pry open the doors. I aim my pistol at his head and fired a couple shots. "That gun ain't gonna work like you think it will!" he exclaimed followed by laughter.

One of my mercenaries puts Derek in a full nelson, "You forgot me asshole!" he shouted as he pulls Derek away from the elevator, letting us escape. "Did any of you girls bring your weapons?" I ask. They all responded no. "Alright, after I set the building on lock down, I'll replace my robot arm, then we'll go to the weapons locker room." I said. I give the order to lockdown the building and announcements soon came on.

"Lock down the building! The Blood Wolf is loose! All civilians evacuate the building, Truax mercenaries shoot to kill! I repeat, shoot to kill!" said the intercom. "Shoot to kill?" question a concerned Ruby, "I shot Derek in the face and he acted like it was nothing." I said, "Does anyone know how to deal with Derek like this?" I ask, "I can call Emma and ask." Ruby answered.

The elevator stops, "Go to the weapons locker room, I'll catch up!" I order. Ruby, Blake, and Yang head there while I go to replace my robot arm. When I got there I place it in my socket and lock it in place. I test it out a bit. "Cool." I mutter to myself, but before I left the room I notice the prototype arm I've been working on. I take off my current arm replaced it with my prototype. I activate a special mode and part of my arm turned into a chainsaw. "Groovy." I say to myself.

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