Chapter Three

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**Warning this chapter has violence so if you feel you could be bothered by that I recommend you skip to the next chapter (I'll put a brief description of what happened at the top of chapter four) If you don't mind it then enjoy!!**

            I stopped in front of my house and smiled at Christian. “Thanks for walking with me. You know you don’t have to though.” He grinned and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

            “Well with Gary having to get home before, well you know, and I just figured since he usually walks with you then I would walk with you this time.” I nodded. He nodded towards the door and shifted from foot to foot. “You should probably go in before your family gets worried.”

            “Where are you going to go tonight?” I asked, shivering in the cold wind that had picked up.  Christian shrugged.

            “Maybe I’ll go to Kevin’s or maybe I’ll go down town and crash on a bench.” I shook my head and pulled the keys out of my pocket.

            “No, you can stay here.” His eyes widened and her shook his head.

             “Oh no! I couldn’t! Anyways you family wouldn’t want me here.” I glared at him.

          “Yes they will. Come on.” I opened the door and pulled Christian inside after me. “I’m home!” I called out. No one responded and I closed the door behind me.

            “What time is it?” He asked. I shrugged and looked at the clock on the wall.

            “It’s only nine.” He nodded and followed me into the kitchen.

            “Mum? Dad? Rose?” I called out grabbing a glass of water out of the fridge. “I wonder where they are?” I took a sip of water and set the glass down. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to look up stairs.” Christian nodded and sat down at the counter. I ran up the stairs and tossed my jacket on my bed. “Anybody home?” I called again and walked towards my parent’s room. The door was slightly ajar and a strange smell came from inside. ‘Is this some kind of new incense,’ I though as I knocked on the door lightly before stepping into their room. The next thing I saw would never leave my mind for the rest of my life.

My parents were lying on the bed with their necks slit open and a pool of blood slowly forming around their heads. I screamed and fell to the floor, shaking. Christian ran up the stairs and into the room. “What the…” His voice trailed off and he ran to the bed before walking over to me. He dropped to the floor in front of me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “H-h-hey, c-c-come on lets go find your sister.” He stuttered trying to keep calm. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think. I grabbed onto Christian’s shirt and cried. “I-I-I’ll go call the cops.” He started to get up but I grabbed his arm.

“No! D-don’t leave me.” He nodded and helped me get up. “Where’s Rose?” I whimpered, stumbling towards her room. I pushed her door open and froze. The lights were off but I could clearly see, not one but three sets of glowing silver eyes. The moonlight cast over their faces and illuminated their shark like smiles. The three figured toward above me. Christian walked in behind me and froze.

“Welcome home Melody.” One of them spoke. His voice was deep and loud. “Why don’t you turn on the lights.” I shook my head slowly.

“W-w-what did you do with my s-s-sister.” I croaked out, my voice barley above a whisper.

“Run Mel.” Rose’s voice sounded from in front of me. I darted to the wall and turned the light on. Rose was standing in front of them, completely frozen. Her eyes were full of fear and I tried to run to her but Christian held my back. “They killed them Mel. Our parents.” I nodded slightly, my vision starting to blur over. ‘Why me? Why my family?’ “T-t-their going to kill me too. You have to run.” I could feel tears hitting my back as Christian held onto me. I was shaking so hard. Take all the times you have ever been scared and throw them all into one emotion. This was worse that that. One of the men grinned wider and threw a knife at us. Christian caught in on reflex but then dropped it.

“What is that?” Christian whimpered. I looked away from Rose to see what he was looking at. In the corner of the room was a person. But it wasn’t a person. It had pasty white skin and was wearing a gas mask that seemed to be rusted to its face. It trembled and shook violently, causing the dirty needles that were strapped to its trench coat to click together. Its eyes were even worse. They were like to small black rocks that had been shoved into its face. One of the men laughed and looked at it.

“Times up.” One of the men pulled out a knife and held it to Roses throat. “Say bye now.” He grinned and I leapt forward, grabbing the knife and charging them. The man simply laughed and slit Rose’s throat in one fluid motion. I screamed and caught her as she fell. Christian ran to my side and hurriedly whispered in my ear.

“We have to get out of here. The cops will be coming and…”

“Let them come!” I hissed as blood slid out of Rose’s neck and onto my arm.

“Mel. If they come it will be us going to jail.” I looked up at him confused. “We’re in a gang and both of our finger prints are on that knife. Who would believe us if we told them three giant men killed your family.” He jumped and one of the men seemed to appear next to me.

“He’s right.” Another appeared next to Christian and grinned.

“Better run.” I jumped backwards and Christian pulled me up.  I stumbled away from them and ran into the thing in the corner. It let out a shriek and I leapt away from it. It seemed to shake like it was almost happy. I cried out as one of the men shoved me towards the door, Christian close behind me. I grabbed Christian’s arm and we stumbled down the stairs.

“Run.” I yelled and we did. As we disappeared outside the men laughed, the haunted sound following us out the front door.

“Run as fast as you can Melody. You’ll never get away.” 

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