Chapter Ten

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By the time we were released from our jobs I couldn't feel my arms and my head was pounding. I dropped my helmet and pick in the store room and stumbled towards the line that was forming in front of the showers. I felt myself getting lightheaded and reached blindly out to the side of me. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and kept me from falling on my face. Groaning, I heard Donovan chuckle behind me. "How are you feeling?" He asked, dropping his arms as I regained my balance.

"Like hell. Seriously I can't feel my arms, I have a headache, my legs are like Jello and I don't even want to know what my shoulders are going to feel like soon." He chuckled again and Christian walked up to us. Donovan nodded to him but they stayed silent. The line began to move again and We walked into a large room with showers lining the walls.

"Strip, wash, collect your new uniforms and scram." The voice of a Blacksuit boomed through the room, shaking the walls. I quickly walked to the farthest shower in the room with Christian walking close behind me.

"This is great." I mumbled as the inmates around us began to pull off their uniforms. Christian shrugged and pulled off his clothes. He noticed me standing next to him still and promptly turned bright red, covering himself.

"Well this is awkward. You're a girl." I tapped him on the nose and smiled.

"Exactly Einstein. Just stand between me and the door." He nodded and I turned my back, undoing my uniform and dropping it on the floor. I kicked it out of the shower and heard a inmate wolf whistle. I glanced over my shoulder and one of the Skulls backhanded him in the mouth, splitting his lip and cusing at him. I just laughed slightly and waited for the water to start pouring. I yelped and jumped back, ice water splashing down on me. Christian groaned loudly and stuck one arm in. Red water began to cover the floors as the dust mixed with it and we washed the dirt away. At one point I coughed and I swear I saw a cloud of dirt exit my mouth. Christian tapped at my shoulder and I looked over at him.

"Drink." He ordered, grinning and gesturing to the others happily gulping as much water as the could into their dry throats. I grinned and cupped my hands under the stream, then bringing it to my mouth. The cold liquid rushed down my throat and I greedily drank more. I heard Christian chuckled and I looked over.

"Yes?" I asked, pushing my hair out of my face. He pointed behind him and I realized the inmates had fallen silent. I peaked around his shoulder and yelped. They had all stopped and were watching me, a few smirking, a few with their mouths hanging open. "Oh my dear god." I blushed and hid behind Christian as I accidentally made eye contact with Donovan who smirked. "How long have they been like that?" I squeaked.

"Pretty much since you started drinking. It was like out of a freaking movie watching you." He mimicked what I was doing and I blushed more. "Good job Mel you broke the inmates." I smacked his arm and he chuckled, the water turning off. A pile of uniforms had appeared in front of the door and inmates swarmed it. Before we had a chance to walk over Donovan emerged with two uniforms in his hands. His uniform was hanging loosely around his waist and water was dripping off his torso and arms. Wow. He looked, wow.

"Here." He smiled and handed Christian and I uniforms. I turned my back to him again and pulled it on, buttoning up the front. I turned back around in time to see Christian smack Donovan in the back of the head. Christian glared at him then looked over at me.

"Ready?" I nodded and we exited the showers, walking up to the cells. I walked towards Rowan's cell and heard footsteps approaching me quickly. I spun around and grabbed who ever it was by the arm, spinning him into an arm bar.

"Melody! What the hell!" Rowan exclaimed and I dropped his arm. He stood up and rubbed his shoulder.

"Sorry, instinct." I mumbled, smiling slightly. Christian chuckled and I grinned at him. "Where is Alina?" I asked, walking into his cell and sitting on the bottom bunk. Rowan shrugged and hopped onto the top bunk, laying down.

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