Chapter Seventeen

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**Six months ago**

"I'm going to hit you if you keep touching my keyboard." I warned, pushing Gary's hand away. He chuckled and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"But you're so fun to pick on." He exclaimed, reaching forwards and clicking on something that made my page minimize.

"GARY! God damn it!" I whacked his hand and re-opened my page. Groaning, I saved my work and closed out the document before going to open up Pinterest. Gary smiled and kissed my shoulder lightly.

"Sorry babe. Do you still love me?" I said nothing and he started tickling my sides. "Meeeellllll." I giggle and squirmed, trying to get away from him. "Do you love me?" He asked again, continuing tickling me, and I started laughing.

"Gary! Gary stop it!" I whimpered, clutching at his hands and grinning, tears coming to my eyes. He didn't let up and I almost dropped my computer but placed it on the table in time. "Gary!!" He chuckled and I started laughing harder. "Stop it!! I can't breath!" I choked out, twisting around in his arms.

"Do you love me?" He asked, pausing. I caught my breath and nodded, laughing.

"Yes, I love you jerk." Gary grinned, kissing me quickly.

"Good cause I love you too bitch." I giggled, and shook my head, leaning back against him and grabbing my computer. He laughed slightly and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap more and resting his head on my shoulder, watching my screen. A noise by the door caused us to both look up. The door to the mobile home swung open and Kevin and Daniel walked in talking quietly. Kevin nodded at something Daniel said the chuckled when he saw us.

"Melody! You're turning my gang into a bunch of softies!" I grinned, closing my computer, and shrugged.

"It's my job." Kevin nodded, laughing and Daniel grinned. "What's the plan today?" I asked, leaning my head on Gary's shoulder. Daniel spoke up this time and surprisingly didn't get a glare from Kevin.

"A gang leader from another city has a parcel for us. He hasn't told us what it is but we're in charge of delivering it to a women on the other side of town. She'll supply us with whatever we need when we get there." I nodded and he glanced at the time. "We're meeting him in the abandoned warehouse down town in an hour. We need to leave soon though so we can hid out and keep an eye on the place."

"Who's coming?" I asked. Daniel shrugged and glanced at Kevin.

"Mickey, Jake, Tyler, Gary, Brandon, Daniel and I. We want you to stay here in case the 59ers show up but otherwise you would come too." Kevin explained. I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. Gary chuckled behind me and nodded.

"Yeah, good luck with that dude." He muttered, smirking at me. Daniel chuckled and looked at Kevin.

"Yeah. No. Christian and Charlie can watch the house. I'm coming. Remember the last time you tried to leave me behind and what happened to you guys?" Kevin groaned, nodding.

"This is more serious. He is the old leader of the Höllenhunde. This isn't some random guy." The name Höllenhunde made my blood run cold but I shrugged, trying to act casual. The Höllenhunde, or Hellcats, were one of the worst gangs around. When I was six one of my foster brothers had been their second in command. But he messed up once, a little thing not a huge messed, and they only ever found his hand. Then poof, I'm with another family. They had moved cities a few months ago but they were still well known here.

"Even better. I have a grudge with that gang that I will be happy to fulfill if needed." Gary's hands tightened on my hips.

"Fine you can come. Just don't do anything stupid." He muttered. I smiled and Gary sighed. Kevin disappeared into one of the back bedrooms for a moment then reappeared. He tucked the small handgun in hand into the back of his jeans. He nodded towards the door and I stood, pulling Gary up with me. "Daniel, you go get the others. Gary, you go start the car. Mel, you...I don't know, go with Gary." I laughed and nodded, stepping out into the hot summer sunlight and walking towards the car that Charlie had stolen a while back. Gary ran after me, tossing the keys and catching them in his right hand.

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