Chapter Twelve

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The next few days went quickly. We woke, we ate, we worked, we slept. It was just a constant repeat of motions. Donovan was growing closer to us and began to loosen up more. I can easily say that if Christian and him weren't with me I would just be a stain on the floor, if you catch my drift. The thought of new inmates slowly dispersed as the days went by and no one showed up. We were currently sitting in Christian's cell talking. By "we" I mean Donovan, Christian, Rowan and I.

"We should play twenty questions or something." D mumbled, leaning against the wall and pulling one knee up to his chest, resting an arm on it. I shrugged and looked at Christian. He looked at me wearily.

"Why not. It's not like we have anything to do." I said, pulling my legs under me so I was sitting cross legged.

"Fine. You first Mel, ask me something." Christian said, smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"Christian I know everything about you." He chuckled. "Fine. Um..." I paused. We both had rough pasts and I didn't want to touch in something sensitive. "First pet?" He thought for a second then grinned.

"It was a cat named Fred." Donovan scoffed.

"You named a cat Fred?" Christian whacked his outstretched leg.

"I was six! Fred was a great name! All the neighbors hated him because he would piss on their flowers." He chuckled and I grinned.

"I saw a picture of him once. Mean looking cat." I stated, laughing. "Okay, your turn Christian. Ask Rowan something." He nodded and looked up a Rowan, who was sitting on his bunk as usual.

"Favorite color." We groaned in unison and I chucked a pillow at Christian. He ducked and threw us back at me.

"Way to ask a lame question!" D exclaimed. Christian laughed and looked at Rowan.

"Um, I don't know. I guess I like dark blue." Rowan responded. I smirked at the though of him wearing blue and Christian whacked my leg. I glared at him then laughed. "I guess it's my turn." We heard him shift and his head popped out over the edge of the bed. "D. First girlfriend." We busted out laughing and Donovan grabbed me as I started answering the question for him, slapping his hand over my mouth.

"Before you make me sound lame. I never had a girlfriend because I came here when I was eleven." Rowan raised an eyebrow. "I though girls were gross!" He exclaimed, exasperated. We started laughing again and Rowan flicked D's nose.

"Lame. I had my first girlfriend at nine an my first kiss at thirteen." He boasted, disappearing again. "Your turn D." Donovan smirked an turned to me.

"Fine, Melody." I looked at him skeptically and he laughed. "First kiss." I though for a moment then smiled.

"Well I was an unsocial butterfly so I wasn't kissed until I was, what, fourteen, I think?" Christian started to say something but I cut him off. "Before you go any farther. Yes it was Gary." Christian fist pumped the air.

"I knew it! He said you were so awkward. I figured you had beer been kissed." I glared at him and he raised his hands. "It was a good awkward. Gary found it amusing and cute." I rolled my eyes and smiled at the memory.

"Anyways! He took me on a date-ish thing to the movies and kissed me there." I looked at Donovan. He looked slightly jealous and I grinned. "Aww is wittle Donovan jealous because he's never been kissed?" I said, talking in a baby sound. He rolled his eyes and swatted at my head. Laughing, I ducked and pushed him over. "Ok well this was stupid." I said, smiling. They mumbled in agreement. I leaned against the wall. Donovan looked over and started studying my few tattoos.

"What's that one mean?" He asked, pointing toward my tattoo of a swallow holding a ribbon. The ribbon read 'Meet my dedication, inspiration'

"Uh, it's song lyrics. One of my favorite bands has a song named O.G. Loko. This is one of the lyrics." He nodded and Christian stood up, pulling his sleeve down to reveal a tattoo. It was a black skull with shadowing. I grinned and pulled back my shirt to reveal the same tattoo. I had it tattooed to the right of my collarbone on the right side of my chest and Christian had it on his shoulder.

"I've seen that before. What does it mean?" Rowan asked, sticking his head over the side. I smiled and Donovan traced mine lightly.

"It's a tattoo we all have gotten when we joined the Skulls." Christian explained. Donovan leaned back and I let my shirt fall back into place. "Mel complained the whole time and then the next day asked to get another tattoo." I grinned and nodded.

"That's when I got this." I rotated and turned my back to the boys, undoing my shirt so it fell around my waist. I swear I heard them gasp as I did it. Christian just chuckled and rolled his eyes. On my lower back I had three roses with the word 'savior' written in the middle rose.

"That's pretty." Donovan said. I pulled my shirt back up and turned to them. D was smirking and I slapped his arm. "I've always wanted a tattoo or two but I never had the chance to get one." He mumbled and laid down on the bed. I nodded. Suddenly, our conversation was cut off by the sound of the elevator descending. Rowan jumped down and ran to the fence outside. We listened for the elevator to stop then Rowan groaned.

"New fish." I frowned and looked at Christian. My brain was racing. We're these kids framed? Was their crime real? How long would the last? Donovan sighed and rubbed his face.

"How many?" He asked, sitting up. Rowan was silent for a moment while counting.

"Jeez, there's seven of them." He said surprised. As far as I heard the most they got was four maybe five sometimes. The was a small amount of jeering coming from the main floor. Strangely enough the gangs seemed to be staying quiet. Rowan walked back into the cell and plopped down. That's when we heard the voice. A deep bark from one of the new guys as an inmate approached him. This voice was... Familiar. Christian must have realized it at the same time I did because we flew up and ran to the railing. My breath caught in my throat when I saw them. Down below, standing in the court yard was Kevin, Bodie, Tyler, Jake, Owen, Carter, and Gray.

A/N: Okay. I swear these two chapters were longer when I first wrote them but I guess they weren't. Anyways let me know what you think! I'm going to start putting questions at the bottom of these chapters so if you want to answer them feel free. They might be for the story or something outside the story. Next chapter will be longer! (I think I may have said that before sorry! But that one will be longer) Today's question is what is your favorite band/singer? My favorite band is Black Veil Brides and my favorite singer is Andy Biersack (duh). :) 

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