Chapter Five

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The doors flew open and I snapped my head up, stepping away from Christian and letting him get up. Chance coward behind me and the inmates stared down at us. A taller inmate with a Skull bandanna walked over. I hadn’t seen him before and I figure he was from the Summer of Slaughters. There seemed to only be a few girl inmates that coward in their cells or the back of the group of inmates. The Skull grinned and stared at me. I stepped out of the elevator, Christian and Chance close behind me. “Welcome to Hell new fish. You’re Skull fodder now so get used to it.” He spat. I scoffed.

“Nice try dumb ass. I bet you never though you’d hear this but you’re looking at one of the Skull leaders.” His smirk vanished for a second.

“Bull.” Christian glared at him.

“It’s true.” I pulled my bandanna out of my shirt and waved it in front of him. His happiness vanished completely then.

“Why the hell is there a chick Skull.” He growled, backing up a tinny bit.

“I needed them and they let me in. He’s a Skull too.” I stated, gesturing towards Christian. He glared down at me. A loud siren blasted and he stomped over to the yellow circle in the middle of the courtyard, if you could even call it that. I started after him but then two doors swung open. I turned around and looked at the things that had emerged.

A man in his middle ages had walked out. If it wasn’t for his inhumanly tight, leathery skin he could be normal. His eyes were something else though. I tried and tried again but I couldn’t meet them. Next to him toward two of the guards in suits but these were two different guards then I had seen earlier. They held leashes in their large hands and creatures pulled against them, straining to get to us. The man hissed something to them and they stopped pulling. The creatures appeared to be dogs. Giant and misshapen dogs but still dogs. Their skin had been removed though and their muscles glittered and rippled repulsively in the light. I looked away and the man started to talk, his voice seeming to enter my head.

“Welcome. My name is Warden Cross and I am in charge here. I know who you are and now you know me. Here I know your crimes but they are in the passed. All I care about is how you act here. It is quite easy to live here, just follow the rules. Break them and you will learn what true fear is. Not this small fear that you are most likely experiencing now. But it seems that you have already broken the first rule.”

My breath caught and I walked quickly over to Christian. The Warden walked slightly closer and I fidgeted nervously, fear and chills creeping slowly over my body with ever step he took. “I’ll let it slide though because you didn’t know the rules yet. When the siren goes off you must be inside your cell or in the yellow circle. Bad things may occur if you aren’t.” He said glancing at the machine guns that covered the walls. “Then if you here a long siren you best get to your cell, and fast. The long siren usually signals a skirmish and that’s when we let the dogs have a little fun.” He gestured towards the dogs. One was watching the other inmates closely and the other was staring at me, his grotesque body moving slightly at every foul breath he took. “There are smaller rules as well but you will learn them from other inmates. Now lets get you to your rooms. Remember, we’re not monsters. Well not all of us.” He grinned slyly.

One of the guards handed him a paper and he read it carefully before looking up at us. “Christian Baker. Prison number 2013822. Cell number F2, sixth level. Cellmate Rowan Smith.” A guy shoved towards the front of the crowd. He was easily six feet tall and had the sleeves ripped off of his uniform, showing his tattooed arms. Christian swallowed hard and then limped over to the crowd to stand with Rowan. “Chance Kellington. Prison number 2013823. Cell number B19, second level. Cellmate Lilith Crow.” A girl maybe 15 walked slowly towards the front of the crowd and smiled slightly at Chance. She had medium length blonde hair and dark brown eyes. A large scar appeared from under her left sleeve and spread down her hand. Chance stepped out from behind me and then quickly made his way over to her, hiding in front of her to avoid the others. Now only I was left, standing in the middle of the courtyard like bait. The Warden glanced at his paper and then grinned. “Melody Cross.” His voice hissed. “How nice to know I have a relative in here.” I glared at him.

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