Chapter Sixteen

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I slipped off my uniform and pulled on a make shift large shirt that Alina had made from another uniform. The material reached my knees and I tucked my uniform at the foot of my bed. Quiet mummers echoed through the prison. Occasionally someone would laugh loudly but that was all. For some reason there was an uncomfortable feeling in the air and it had me on edge. I gripped the edge of my bunk and hauled my tired body up. The bunks creaked slightly and I pulled my legs under me, criss-crossing them. My limp red and black hair sat on my shoulders and I began picking at it, pulling my fingers through the tangles. My eyes scanned the surrounding cells, watching the inmates. I leaned my back against the wall so I was facing towards the door and sighed. My mind used to be a place I could escape to but now it was full of nightmares. Horrible thoughts. Almost every night I would wake up screaming or having a panic attack. It was so common now that on the very rare nights that I slept fine I got worried. A light knock made me jump and I looked down. Carter was leaning in the wall, twisting his nose ring absentmindedly. I smiled, nodding to him.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, dropping his hand and smiling slightly. I shook my head and he hopped up onto my bunk. Stretching out the best he could, he laid down, resting his head in my lap and closing his eyes. To some people this might seem strange but to me it was perfectly normal. This gang was my family almost more than my real family. If you put it in friendship terms I have a lot of strange best friends that will break your nose if you say something wrong. I smiled and dropped my hands from my hair, messing with his instead. He chuckled then frowned, opening his eyes. "Does something seem weird to you?"

"You mean like a feeling?" He nodded and I sighed. "Yeah, it feels like we're being watched. Like right before we would get jumped on the streets you know." Carter nodded again.

"I noticed it a little while again. I walked into the courtyard and every hair on my neck stood up. Think I freaked a few inmates out cause I grabbed my shank." His body shook slightly as he laughed and I grinned, shaking my head.

"At least they will stay away now that they think you're crazy." He laughed again, nodding. "How's Bodie's nose?" I asked.


"No shit. I mean how does it feel." Carter shrugged, rubbing one of his eyes.

"Hell if I know." I nodded and rested my hands on his shoulders. "How are you feeling?" I laughed.

"Well like I told the others fine but since I'm about 100% sure you'll know I'm lying; awful. My family's dead and my boyfriend's missing. I don't think there is any other way to feel." Carter nodded quietly. Like most of the Skulls he didn't have a family. His lovely family left him on the side of the road when he was 2 months old hoping to never see him again. Luckily a women found him and he was sent to an orphanage. That's when our stories become similar. Until he was taken in by the Black Dogs, an older and rougher gang that was wiped out a year after summer of slaughters, he bounced from foster home to foster home. As he tells it the reason he was never adopted is because he had a tendency to burn things down. When the Black Dogs crashed and burned, literally, he was taken in by the Skulls. He's been with us ever since.

"You'll feel better after awhile, promise." I nodded and sighed.

"How did we get into this mess?" Carter laughed.


"Shut up." He chuckled again, picking up my left hand and looking at it. "What are you doing?"

"Looking at your hand and daaamnnn guurrl you need a manicure!" He exclaimed in his best gay voice. I rolled my eyes, swatting at him.

"You're annoying."

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