Chapter Fourteen

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Time seemed to stop after I saw them. It was like a really depressing Christmas. I mean, I thought I would never see them again but there they were, standing like idiots in the Furnace courtyard. Kevin was having a stare down with Rex and the inmates were cowering inside the circle. It took both Donovan and Rowan to keep me from running down to them. Christian was just standing in front of the fence, staring at them, completely still. They didn't let me go until Warden was done giving his spiel and then had disappeared with his greeting team from hell. As soon as he was gone though, they let me go. I don't think anyone has ever gone down those stairs as fast as Christian and I did. We descended six floors in under a minute. Carter saw me first and ran forward.

"Melody!" He cried and I flung myself into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. He buried his face in my hair and shook. To the inmates, this probably looked like some cheesy movie. What with me crying into Carter's shoulder and Christian running up behind me. "Oh my god. I though we were too late." He whispered. Gray and Bodie had run up to us while Tyler and Jake stood behind Kevin. Owen was standing next to Christian talking quietly. At one point Christian pulled him into a hug then they dropped their arms and tried to play cool. I laughed at them and pulled away from Carter.

"You better not of gotten in here because of us." I scolded and he smiled guilty. "Carter!" He grinned and Gray poked my shoulder.

"What? No hug for me!" He exclaimed. I rolled me eyes, grinning, and hugged him tightly. "I missed you Mel." I smiled.

"Yeah, I missed you guys too." I stepped back and whacked his head softly. "You're all idiots though." He grinned and winked.

"You know us so well." Bodie pulled me into a quick hug before nodding to Kevin.

"Think ya can stop the cat fight that is pendin' over there." He mumbled, crossing his arms. I laughed lightly and shrugged. "I don't really feel like fighting right now."

"Worth a shot." I stepped past Carter and walked over to them. If the first sight wasn't enough this must have really amused the inmates. I was much shorter than Rex, Kevin, Jake, AND Tyler, but here I was, trying to break up a possible fight. I wedged myself between Rex and Kevin and place a hand in both of their chests, pushing them apart. Rex glanced at me and Kevin looked down. "If you are done with your little staring contest," I turned to Kevin. "I wanted to say hi." I grinned and winked. Rex didn't say anything, just walked away, bringing the older Skulls with him. Kevin finally relaxed and smiled a little.

"Hey Mel." I grinned.

"I'm not sure if I want to hug you or hit you but I think for now I just save you your dignity and show you guys the cell. " I grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the stairs, gesturing for the guys to follow. Christian and Carter walked up behind us and grinned. Donovan was leaning in the fence on the sixth level watching us wearily. Rowan was no where to be seen. Before we got to the level though, Donovan turned and walked away, shaking his head. I frowned but brushed it off. I knew he had problems with the Skulls but Kevin and the others never did anything. Carter, Christian, and I sat down in Christian's bunk and Kevin leaned on the door. Jake and Tyler were hovering outside, watching the inmates skeptically. Owen, Bodie, and Gray sat on the floor.

"Did you get a friendly welcome kick as well?" Christian asked when Bodie groaned and rubbed his shoulder. He chuckled and looked up, shaking his head.

"Naw, I got injured in a fight a few days ago." I frowned. "Nothin' big though. Just a few stupid fifty-niners that though they could take us on. We showed them though." He grinned and the others nodded in agreement.

"One guy tried to attack me and now he won't be walking for at least a week." Gray boasted, fixing his bandanna. I grinned.

"How did you guys end up in here?" I asked, looking between Bodie and Kevin. Kevin glanced at me and the looked at the floor again. He wasn't himself. He had a strange air about him and was quieter than normal; almost as if he was worried about something.

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