[Seven] Letter

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Yugyeom sprinted down the hallway as if his life depended on it. He didn't have far to go, but nervousness (and a hint of excitement) powered him like he was a mouse on steroids. Given that, it wasn't long before he was at his and Jackson's room, panting with his hands on his knees, facing a closed door.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Jackson asked, while opening the door. He was able to hear Yugyeom's panting from inside.

"Rushed," Yugyeom breathed out, struggling to catch his breath.

"Where's BamBam?"

"What? You never said to get BamBam." Yugyeom's shoulders were slumped, annoyed.

"I thought it was kind of a given." Jackson had his innocent, puppy dog expression on, so Yugyeom couldn't refuse going back to bring BamBam.

"Fine. Just so you know, I hate you," Yugyeom grumbled, walking back towards BamBam and Mark's room.

"Love you, too!" Jackson shouted.

This time around, Yugyeom didn't run. Part of him just wished Jackson would bring himself to BamBam's room instead of bringing BamBam to their room, but Yugyeom understood. He knew Jackson wanted privacy and absolutely no chance of anyone other than Yugyeom and BamBam to hear what he had to say.

"BamBam!" Yugyeom shouted right when he saw the other's dorm door.

"Coming!" The door opened to reveal BamBam. Mark could be seen behind him, sitting up on his bed with a pissed off glare.

"Code HK," was all Yugyeom had to say to get BamBam out the door.

"I'll be back, Mark," BamBam called out as he shut the dorm door. Mark just watched the door shut, angry that he the two were so loud. "Mark'll kill me later. He seemed really tired."

"You can die later." Yugyeom suddenly grabbed BamBam's hand and just about dragged him down the hall.

"Jackson! We're here!" BamBam screeched at the door. With barely a moment to spare, the door flew open. Jackson was standing to the side of the door, his hand gripped tightly around an envelope.

"Open it," Yugyeom demanded, pulling himself and BamBam into the room so he could close the door behind him.

Jackson nodded and carefully ripped open the top of the letter, pulling out the two pieces of paper that were in it. One was a check, the other was a piece of computer paper with writing on it.

"How much is the check?" BamBam asked.

"Same as they always send, but they already sent me a check this month. And they never send me letters."

"Do you think they want you back home?" BamBam whispered, hopeful for Jackson. Though he had ignored Jackson to avoid a bad reputation at school, he still cared for him. Jackson would always be an older brother to BamBam, no matter the situation.

"Like that would ever happen. Even if they did, I wouldn't go. Why would I go back to a family that sent me away at the age of nine? If they hated me that much they should have just put me up for adoption at the start." Jackson's voice was filled with a bitterness that caused Yugyeom and BamBam to take a step away.

"Then what does it say?" Yugyeom pressed, tempted to take the letter to read it himself. He wouldn't have been able to read it anyway, since he couldn't speak Cantonese. Jackson briefly scanned the paper before looking back up.

"They sold my apartment. They said they'd rent it out for now, but I guess they changed their minds. At the bottom, it says, 'Thanks for saving us the money. Have some extra allowance as a gift.'"

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