[Twenty Six] Speak

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When Mark found out that Jinyoung was suddenly getting tutoring from Jackson, he knew something was wrong. Jinyoung was great at English and, if he actually needed help in anything, he would rarely ever reach out to get assistance. So the fact that Jinyoung supposedly needed English tutoring was very off to Mark.

Through Yugyeom, he found out that Jackson had been going to Jinyoung's room every night to study. That's why Mark and Yugyeom decided to make that time their own meeting time, where they planned on how to confront Jinyoung and how Mark could make it up to Jackson. However, Mark knew he didn't have the guts to do anything they talked about. That wasn't to say he wouldn't do his best to fight his fear, though.

Mark had really grown to like Yugyeom. Though he was younger, Mark knew he could count on the other to take care of him if necessary. They had really only been on good terms for a few days and Mark could tell how loyal and kind Yugyeom was. Before he got to know Yugyeom, he didn't understand why he was always sent dirty and menacing looks; now he knew that Yugyeom was only concerned about Jackson getting hurt. Clearly, Yugyeom knew exactly what would happen.

It was a mystery how Yugyeom wasn't mad at Mark. If Mark were in Yugyeom's position, he surely would have beat his own ass because Mark had done exactly what Yugyeom had worried about him doing; yet, Yugyeom had done nothing but help him. Yugyeom had gone so far as to help figure out how he could fix things with Jackson, and Mark couldn't be more grateful.

And that was how Mark found himself standing around the corner of the entrance to the library. Jackson was supposed to be somewhere on the other side of the doors because, as Yugyeom had told Mark, he liked to study for a few hours after fencing practice. Yugyeom stood next to him, poking him and whining that he needed to just go in, but Mark couldn't bring himself to take a step closer to the door.

"Mark, come on. If you don't do it now, when will you?" Yugyeom sent an annoyed frown Mark's way.

"What do I even say? Do I just go up to him and say, 'Hey, sorry I slapped you when you told me that you like me. I also like you,' and then everything is fine?" Mark covered his face with his hands in an attempt to hide how nervous he was. If anything, it only made him look more on edge.

"Jackson is a forgiving person. He'll understand," Yugyeom reassured. He placed a hand on Mark's shoulder, both as a gesture of kindness and to discreetly push him towards the entrance.

"Yugyeom! Stop it! I'm scared." Mark pushed against Yugyeom's slight nudges and frowned. His puppy dog begging almost made Yugyeom consider just going back to his dorm and have another sulking session with Mark. Almost.

"Look! He's coming out right now. Just go." Yugyeom finally got Mark to take a step out from behind the corner and, had Jackson been looking forward, he would have been seen. However, Jinyoung was jogging his way to Jackson from a side hallway, meaning that Mark was just standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall.

"Jackson! I've been meaning to find you before you came over," Jinyoung greeted. Once Jinyoung was almost in front of Jackson, Mark sprinted back to Yugyeom.

"Hey, Jinyoung." Jackson was fumbling with a notebook in his hand, trying to write something down last minute. Much to Mark's delight, Jackson was using the pastel green pen Mark got him—a single part of the school supplies Mark had bought for Jackson.

"I just came to tell you that my roommate is sick, so we can't study today. He's kind of useless without me taking care of him." Jinyoung had an apologetic look on his face that made Mark want to throw up. Jinyoung was never that sweet or nice around Mark.

"That's okay. I mean, I get it. Except I'm usually the one that has to be taken care of," Jackson joked. Jinyoung just smiled at the thought of keeping a sick Jackson company.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to study for next time, though." Jinyoung stood still for a moment until he put his hesitation aside and just followed his impulse. He kissed Jackson on the cheek and simply said, "Bye."

Jinyoung skipped away from the three boys who now stood frozen in shock. Jackson had no clue what happened and Mark and Yugyeom were overwhelmed. Jinyoung had just kissed Jackson on the cheek. Besides the fact Jinyoung wasn't that touchy-feely, Jinyoung and Jackson hadn't even known each other for that long. It was then that both Jackson and Mark knew that something was really off.

"Mark, let's just go. We'll talk about it when we get back to the dorm." Mark only nodded as Yugyeom grabbed his hand and dragged him back to his room.

"What the hell?" Mark mumbled, the moment the door shut.

"That probably was nothing. Jackson wouldn't-"

"That's not the part that's weird." Mark sighed, his mind racing. "Jinyoung was weird. I've never seen him so... like that."

"So sweet and not an asshole?" Yugyeom recalled the few times he had talked to Jinyoung in the hall and after school.

"Yeah, exactly. He's not exactly the ball of sunshine he presented himself as to Jackson."

"I know. I'm pretty sure that I'd be considered a victim of bullying if we had any classes together." Mark couldn't help but crack up at Yugyeom's bitter expression.

"Who would bully you? You're so cute," Mark cooed, pinching Yugyeom's cheeks. Yugyeom just swatted Mark's hands away and frowned.

"He's said some not so nice things about my size and my dancing. But that's besides the point. What's up with him and Jackson?" Both of them stayed quiet for a moment, until Mark spoke up.

"I'll ask him tomorrow, but then you have to ask Jackson." Yugyeom's eyes widened slightly and he began to nod his head.

"And then we'll meet while they're studying and compare what they say?"


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