Final Note

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Well. That was the end.

Firstly, I'm sorry if I ever angered you or pissed you off. At the very least, I hope you enjoyed this story overall. I'll forever miss writing this story, so I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it.

I could never thank you all for all the support I've been given. I never thought this story would get this big or that it would go this direction. To be honest, I started this to avoid studying and didn't have a full storyline. Ideas came as I wrote and I barely ever planned more than two chapters ahead. However, I am extremely satisfied with how this story ended and I'm glad things went the way they did.

There's so much I want to say, but I'll keep it short and cut to the chase. Just as an fyi, I'm going to continue writing more GOT7 stories. I have at least three more stories partially written out, so I hope you guys don't completely forget about me after you finish this note. But the big thing is that I wanted to share my storyline document with you guys.

With this story, I planned the AU out to a ridiculous detail. I even have class schedules and descriptions for the main characters. It was really unnecessary, I know. Along with those, there are also character descriptions and excerpts I wrote that either got changed when I put them in the story or just didn't make it in at all.

Here is my last gift for you all (I'll also put it in the comments if you can't click the link or something):

Again, thank you all so much. It means the world to me that you guys have stuck with me this far. I love you all.

-Jinx <3

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