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there was no answer

Sehun stared at his phone 

he couldn't believe that she didn't answer

Sehun sighed as he put his phone down 

and emptied another can of beer 

it was a good thing that he had high alcohol tolerance 

suddenly he heard the door open he turned to see their manager along with his stylist

Sehun gave him a questioning look 

"EXO has been invited to a party tonight" the manager explained "it was a sudden but the CEO wishes everyone to attend since it was a well-known party" 

Sehun just nodded and the stylist went to work 

after the preparation the members met up at the lobby of the hotel

everyone looked great in their tuxedos and the gentlemen vibe around them 

Sehun was last to arrive 

as the exit the hotel to ride their respective cars fans were able to snap pictures of them

inside the car Sehun cant keep the thought of Hailey not answering the call 

he tried to convince himself that there must an understandable reason why she couldn't pick up 

'maybe he caught her in a bad time?' or 'she was busy?'

or worst 'maybe she was avoiding him as well?' 

well he couldn't blame her if she did it was his fault anyway  

he decided to shake those thoughts off 

it was not long till the reached the event venue

and just like what their manager said it was pretty crowded with the media and even had a red carpet

seeing the other guest arrive at the party

Sehun guessed that maybe it was a party for the elite

since everything was so fancy looking 

the members got off their cars one by one and preceded to the red carpet together

the media took a lot of pictures of them 

and as they took pictures something caught Sehun's attention  

a limousine pulled up into the red carpet and two familiar figures got down from the vehicle

the paparazzi went wild as another figure got down from the limousine 

she wore a dark blue dress and flashes were everywhere

the figure made her way towards the red carpet along with the other two

Sehun couldn't get a clear look at who that person was since the media were all around them 

and as they got closer 

Sehun felt a poke from his hyung signaling him that it was time get going 

Sehun nodded and followed behind them 

but sparing one last look at the girl with the dark blue dress 

when they were inside they were escorted to their table 

"are you feeling alright there Sehun?" Chanyeol asked noticing that their maknae was a bit off

"yeah im okay hyung" Sehun assured Chanyeol nodded in response 

the members talked to one another as they waited for the program to start 

mostly talking about how fancy the party was and that how and why were they invited 

soon clicking of glass was heard 

and everyone looked at the stage where a familiar figure holding a champagne glass stood 

Sehun's eyes widen as he recognized who that person was 

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to our party," Mr. Ghim says "we would like to also formally introduce our daughter Ghim Ji-hoon to everyone here"

suddenly a figure was put into the spotlight it was the girl with the dark blue dress 

"Hailey..." Sehun says as he stared at her 


-too complicated? not proof read... ill edit this in the morning 

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