2- Nice to Meet You

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The next morning, I woke up with Ace hovering over me, shaking me slightly. 

I let out a small yelp and then slowly sat up so that he wouldn’t lean over me so close to my face, "Good morning," I mumbled tiredly.

"Good morning. It's time for breakfast," He said sweetly with a boyish grin as if he didn’t realize that I didn’t want to be awake.

"Okay, thank you," I said, not moving a muscle except to raise my hand to my eye to wipe some crust from the corner.

"C'mon!" He sang, dragging my hand off of the bed and through the door. Of course, I could have pulled away from him because he was tiny but I was too tired to resist the little kid so I just followed him out of my warm bedroom and then down the hallway.

Ace dragged me down the stairs and when I got to the bottom, I stopped short when I heard a lot of voices chattering around the corner in the kitchen. I was curious as to why there were so many people in the house so early for breakfast, so I continued to follow Ace around the corner and then into the dining room. However, when I saw that the dining room table was full of teenage boys, I decided that my decision to investigate the abundance of voices was a mistake. When I thought that I was having breakfast with Mr. Fisher and two toddlers, I was fine with how I looked but now, seeing all of those people my age, I realized that I needed to do something.

I turned into the bathroom that was in the hallway beside the kitchen so that nobody at the table could see me before I could tame my hair.

"What's the matter?" Ace asked from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I, uh, have to go to the bathroom,” I breathed, looking in the mirror to run my fingers through my blonde hair and smooth it out and then I put it up in a ponytail with the hair band that was around my wrist. My toothbrush was upstairs so I just used a tissue and toothpaste to brush my teeth which was kind of weird but it’d have to do for now.

I was reluctant to leave the bathroom considering I had no idea what was going on or why there were so many people around that table. Who are they? I thought to myself as I worked up the courage to leave the tiny little room. My mind was racing with possibilities and I didn’t like any of them. I definitely did not sign up for this.

I slowly made my way out of the room and then I tiptoed into the crowded dining room once again, but this time, I didn’t make a run for it because even though I was freaking out, I was also really hungry and this was the only way to get food.

"Good morning," Mr. Fisher greeted me as he stood from his place at the table.

"Hello..." I trailed off, feeling overly exposed in front of all of the eyes that were on me. I really began to hate myself for not changing out of my pajamas before I left my room.

"Everybody this is Madison," He said to the table of strange guys, scarfing down pancakes, eggs, and bacon like the apocalypse was about to start and they’d never see food again.

They all greeted me with some form of ‘Hi, Madison’ but it was hard to understand with everybody speaking all at once.

"Hi..." I muttered slowly, unable to hide how confused I was about what was happening.

"Madison, these are my sons. Well, most of them,” Mr. Fisher explained, motioning around the table.

My mouth dropped open but when I realized that, I quickly closed again, "Your sons?" I echoed incredulously. "Do they all live here?" I whispered to Mr. Fisher, not wanting to sound rude but also wanting to know the answer to that immediately.

"Yes." He whispered back. "This is Tommy, he is 21." He said motioning a hand at the oldest- looking one at the table. Tommy didn't even look up from his plate in recognition to his father saying his name. "This is Andy, he is 19." He looked up for just enough time to smile briefly. "And last, this is Will, and he’s your age actually, you’re both seventeen."

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