35- Let's Celebrate

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“Does it make me a bad girlfriend if I say that I really don’t like basketball?” I asked Sophie, who was sitting beside me on the bleachers by the basketball courts as we watched Carter’s first basketball game of the season. It was only ten minutes into the period or quarter or whatever and I was already a little bored. At first, I just followed Carter with my eyes everywhere that he went on the court. But then that got boring because he was so small and far away so then I tried paying attention to the game as a whole but I just had no idea what was going on.

“No, you don’t have to like it,” Sophie assured me. “It just matters that you’re here to support him. And you’re here, so you’re good.”

“I just can’t get into this,” I admitted to her. “I mean, I’m going to stay and I can tell when they score, I think, so I’ll just cheer him on and stuff.”

“There you go,” She chirped. “I know that Andy wasn’t a big fan of soccer but he was at every home game that we had. Just that you’re here is what matters. Except next time, you’ll have to bring Paige with you because I’m not the biggest fan of basketball either.”

I groaned. “I mean, he looks so amazing out there but I just wish that he played something that wasn’t basketball. Or that one of you guys could explain it to me. Maybe I’ll bring Andy or Will next time so that they can explain to me what’s happening.”

“Yeah, why didn’t they come to this game? Didn’t they all go to your games to support you?” She wondered curiously.

I nodded and then took a handful of popcorn out of the sleeve of popcorn on my lap. “Right but that was because… I honestly have no idea why they went to my games. They all went to that one at the beginning of the year, even Owen showed up for that one. But I guess that was enough for them. They never go to Will’s hockey games either so I guess it just isn’t a big deal.”

“Speaking of Will,” Sophie said with a wide grin but she was cut off by a loud cheer from the crowd around us and I could tell that our team had just scored so we both did our plentiful amount of cheering. I tried to get Carter’s attention to blow him a kiss or something but he seemed very focused and into the game, so that didn’t happen.

“You were saying about Will?” I reminded Sophie after the crowd calmed down.

“Right. He has his date with Aster this weekend. Do you know where they’re going?”

I shrugged and shook my head, keeping my eye on the court where Carter was being put on the bench so the game just became exponentially less exciting. “He hasn’t told me anything. He’s really excited though, that much is obvious.”

“She’s freaking out,” Sophie added with a small laugh. “I wish that we could go on this date with them to spy because it would be so amusing, they’re both going to be such nervous wrecks.”

“That’s so mean,” I scolded her but I also couldn’t stop myself from laughing just a little bit.

“But you know that it’s true.”

“Sadly,” I conceded. “I’m happy for them though, I’m sure that they’ll make a cute couple. And Will really likes Aster.” I didn’t tell her that Carter told me that Will talks about Aster a lot lately. In fact, he won’t stop talking about the poor girl. That wasn’t something that Will would want spread around and, although Sophie is one of my best friends, that wouldn’t be fair to Will if I told her something like that. Although I did think that it was absolutely adorable of him.

“They will make a cute couple. We should triple date!” Sophie tells me excitedly. “And then when Paige and Ethan finally get together, we can quadruple date. And then we can add Tommy and Anna in there and then… what would that be?”

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