40- Loch Ness Monster

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“Do you feel any different?” I asked Carter on a Friday night. It was his last day of school forever, not including college, because the seniors got out of school a few weeks earlier than the rest of the school, which was completely unfair, I thought.

“No,” He laughed. “I haven’t even graduated yet.”

“But you’re completely done with high school. That must feel amazing,” I told him. We were sitting in his room as I studied and he played a video game. Everybody was home tonight except for Andy, who was out with Sophie celebrating her freedom from high school, which she is a lot more excited about than Carter.

“It’s alright,” He shrugged. “I didn’t really mind high school that much, but I probably won’t miss it.”

“I won’t miss it when I’m gone,” I said. “I actually can’t wait for this next year to be over. Especially since you won’t be there.”

“That’s true, but you’ll still have your soccer and Paige and Will, they’ll both still be there,” He assured me.

“Just the idea of Will: Senior Edition makes me nauseous. Think of all of the awful senior parties he’s going to want to throw.”

“I’m sure Aster will keep it under control,” Carter said with a small laugh. “You know that she isn’t a big fan of all of the partying.”

“I know that but she isn’t that controlling so it’s not like she’ll stop him from having parties if that’s what he wants.”

“You’d be surprised at what Will is willing to give up when he likes a girl. Especially when he likes her as much as he likes Aster,” Carter told me, laughing again.

“Well, I think that’s adorable,” I said, rereading the same sentence like, five times because it was hard to focus on both the conversation and the reading that I was doing to prepare for my final exam in psychology. Deciding that I didn’t have to study anymore for the night, I closed the book. “He’s in love.”

“Speaking of love,” Carter muttered, ending his game and turning off the console. “I really love you, and you look like you’re done studying.”

“Have you just been waiting for me to finish studying?” I asked him with a soft giggle, tossing my books onto the floor beside his bed as he set his controller on the nightstand beside the bed and I was finding it obvious that he was up to no good.

“I might have,” He smirked at me before leaning over and pressing his lips to mine. In just a few moments, he’s hovering over top of me, laying down in his blankets as he slowly slid his tongue between my lips and I curled my fingers in his hair.

We spent a while just making out in his bed until something just randomly popped into my head so I pushed on his shoulders a little bit and flipped us both over so that I was straddling his waist. “We should go swimming.”

“In the lake?” He wondered curiously.

“Yes, in the lake. Come on, it’s finally nice out again. It’s not even raining. I wore shorts to school today.”

“I noticed,” Carter teased me.

“Shut up, my point is that the weather is awesome out and it’ll be fun,” I said to him and then, as if to prove my point, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his before I grip the bottom hem of his t-shirt and pull it above his head, tossing the shirt to the floor and leaving him shirtless. What a sight. “Get dressed.”

“Do I have a choice in this?” He wondered.

I shook my head jokingly as I crawled off of the bed so that I could go put on a swimming suit in my room so that we could go down and go swimming in the lake. I really was so sick of winter with all of the snow and then all of the freezing rain in the spring. Now that it was so close to summer, the weather was improving majorly and I wanted to enjoy it. Granted, the lake is probably dirty and mysterious, I wanted to go swimming that night. It was random and weird maybe, but it seemed like fun. There was also the fact that the only time that I’d been in the lake was when Andy had thrown me in.

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