26- Remember?

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The whole weekend had been amazing in that cabin with Carter. The waterfall was magical and peaceful and when we made out on a rock next to the crashing water, it felt just as magical and peaceful as the running water. Sure, we didn’t just make out, we talked a lot and dipped our feet in the water and laughed about the weirdest stuff, and we held hands a lot too. Just taking walks aimlessly through the woods and talking about nothing for hours and then going back to the cabin for lunch just to get right back outside. And then we’d come in for dinner and after dinner, we’d cozy up and watch some movies in the living room before going to bed.

Returning to the Fisher mansion was inevitable, I knew that, but it was still sad when I found myself smelling the scent of the forest on my clothes before tossing them in the washer. I’d only been home for a few hours but I still missed that magic cabin and all of the stories that it held- the stories that we’d made there in just four days.

But of course, real life was waiting for us back home so on Sunday night, I started as much make up work as I could get done in one night, starting with an essay due on Tuesday in my creative writing class that the teacher had emailed me about.

The cabin was peaceful but the ironic twist was that the makeup work was so stressful that my hair was going to start falling out anytime now. I couldn’t believe that Carter talked me into skipping two whole days of class although I knew that I wouldn’t have changed my mind if I could have changed it. It was totally worth it.

I was halfway done with my essay when the little call button thing popped up with my mother’s username, telling me that she was Skype calling me. I wasn’t in the mood to talk about France and how wonderful it is over there (so much better than here) and I had so much work to do that I didn’t have time to stop and talk to my mother but I pushed the ‘answer’ button anyway because as much as I didn’t really want to, I still had to. She was my mother and I barely got to talk to her as it was.

“Hey, Mom,” I greeted her, split screening my laptop so that I could write my essay on one side and talk to my mother on the other side.

“Darling, hello,” My mom’s wide grin lit up the screen- her face was flushed and her eyes were puffy. Like she’d been crying. “How are you tonight?”

I knew that voice- that waver in her tone that I’d heard after every breakup she’d ever had. And looking at the clock, I did the time zone math in my head to realize that it was probably around three in the morning there in France. Something was wrong, I could tell. “I’m okay. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m alright,” She sighed.

“Are you sure? Is something wrong with Gerard?” I wondered and I felt bad that she had been crying and that she came to me for soothing and I was there, only paying a split screen to her but I really had to get my essay done so I kept writing.

“No, not really,” My mother sniffled. “We just had a little spat, but it was nothing.”

Everything was ‘just a little spat’ to her, so that wasn’t extremely comforting. “Well, I’m sure that you’ll work it out,” I assured her even though my mind was really focused on the difference of literary fiction and pop fiction for my essay.

“We will. I know that we will,” She said. “Anyway, tell me about you. How was your weekend?”

“It was good,” I said quickly, hoping that her pixilation wasn’t a high enough quality to notice the blush of my cheeks as I remember every detail of my weekend with Carter. Every detail. “I spent it with Carter.”

“That seems nice, what did you do?”

“We went to a cabin, they have a cabin in the woods a few hours from here and it was really nice,” I told her, hearing her sniffle yet again. I felt guilty about telling her about my newfound romance when her love life seemed to be going through a rough spot, so I didn’t tell her that I was officially together with Carter or anything. I’d gush to Paige and Sophie about it later instead of putting all of that on my mother right now.

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