4- You Brood

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"So I guess we're even know, huh?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face.

I quickly grasped the covers of my bed to cover me up considering I was standing there in front of a virtual stranger in my bra. "Yeah. Except for the fact that I shut the door very quickly. And it was on accident. Call me crazy but I think you know your way around your own house,” I grumbled, rather annoyed at the pervert standing there just looking at me. I mean, I was sure that he didn’t know that I didn’t have a shirt on before he entered the room, but now he did so he could have just shut the door. Jerk. Jerk. Jerkity jerk jerk.

"I guess you have a point," He shrugged, not taking his eyes off of me. I didn’t think that he was trying to check me out or anything, I just think that he knew how uncomfortable he was making me and just wanted to keep doing that. Jerkity jerk jerk.

"So it's nice to finally meet you," I chirped with a voice seeping in sarcasm, trying to be the better person even though he was making this encounter incredibly awkward considering I was hiding behind my comforter in my bra. "I'm Madison."

"Yeah," Carter sighed.

I ignored his rudeness yet again, despite the fact that I have not done a single thing to him and he was just a jerkity jerk jerk. I waited for him to speak though, because I didn’t really know what to say without sounding just as rude as he was.

"My dad wants me to show you around town," He explained. "Do you want to go?”

"Okay, sure," I grumbled. I wasn’t particularly keen on the idea of being dragged around this small town with this guy that seems to not like me very much but I know that Mr. Fisher wants me to get along with his sons so I guess I should give him a peace of mind and just get it over with.

“I’ll meet you in the kitchen in forty-five minutes?” He says, more like an order than a question.

"Got it," I breathed, hoping that he would finally shut the door and give me some privacy, which he fortunately does by shutting the door again.

I quickly showered and changed into some jean shorts and a t-shirt before brushing through my hair. I might have been going crazy but I swore that I could still smell the lake water so I sprayed myself with some body spray before leaving my room. I miraculously found the stairs within just a few minutes of searching and then I made my way into the kitchen, proud of myself for really learning kind of quickly about how to navigate the house. Carter was sitting on a bar stool at the bar that divided the kitchen and the dining room, looking all bored and miserable, which was the only emotions I think he possessed.

"I'm ready," I piped, trying to sound as happy and joyful as I possibly could. I felt like it was my responsibility to be the happy person in our two-person group because if I wasn’t chirpy enough for the both of us, this would be a very gloomy trip.

"Alright, let’s go," Carter sighs, standing up from his chair and hurrying out the door of the kitchen and towards his car that was parked in the huge drive way of their house that was basically a parking lot by how many cars were parked there that belonged to all of the people that lived there. I quickly got in the passenger seat of the car that Carter led me to and fastened my seatbelt without saying a word.  

"Where exactly are we going?" I quietly asked as he backed out of the parking lot and down the rocky road that I’d arrived on a few days prior.

"The store," He replied curtly. I was beginning to think that maybe it wasn’t that Carter didn’t like me, it was just that he was a grumpy person altogether. Or maybe he just really didn’t like me for some reason that was out of my control. I had no idea but it was kind of bugging me.

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