43- Begging For a Miracle

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Waking up in a hospital was very disorienting. Especially because I didn’t remember actually going to a hospital. I don’t remember anything that would have happened that would have caused me to be in the hospital either and when I looked down, I saw that I was wearing a hospital gown and there was a purple cast on my left arm. I’d broken my arm?

What on earth was going on here?

Just as I was about to get out of the bed to go exploring to find somebody to explain this to me, a doctor walked into the room with the white lab coat and a brunette pony tail as she offered me a polite smile.

“Good evening, Miss Baker,” She said to me. “My name is Dr. Morrison and I just need to check a few things before I release you.”

“Evening?” I shrieked. “What? It can’t be evening, Carter’s graduation was at two! He’s going to be so pissed at me, I can’t believe that I missed his graduation.”

“You went to Carter’s graduation,” She told me. “This afternoon, you were there.”

“What?” I mumbled, not remembering that at all. “What happened?”

“After the graduation ceremony, you were driving in a car with Carter. On the way to a cabin, I’m told? And you were in a car collision,” She explained, trying to make her voice soft and sympathetic but I could tell that she was tired, maybe at the end of a double shift or something. I felt bad for her.

“I was in a car crash…” I trailed off, trying my best to remember anything, but I couldn’t. I remembered going to bed the night before the ceremony, on the last day of school, and then I woke up here. I couldn’t remember the ceremony or going to the cabin- we never planned a trip to the cabin, why would we be going there? “With Carter? Well, where is he? I want to talk to him.”

Her frown deepened and she started to show some real sympathy for me then. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Carter hasn’t woken up yet.”

“Oh,” I deflated a little bit. “Well, when will he wake up? And where is he? I want to at least go see him.”

“Miss Baker,” She said my name in a voice that seemed like she had some really bad news to tell me. “The car that had hit you collided with the driver’s side of the car and Carter was driving.”

I didn’t like what she was implying, it made me feel sick to my stomach. “Where is he?” I asked her, feeling desperate for this doctor to tell me that he was really okay, that he was just sleeping somewhere, waiting for me to wake up and now that I’m awake, he’ll come see me. He’d be here any minute now.

“He’s in a medically induced coma,” She informed me. “We’re doing the best that we can to keep him alive for as long as possible but… it’s not looking good.”

“I don’t… I don’t understand,” I panted out, feeling my breath being taken out of my lungs at rapid speed.

“I realize that you probably want to be with your friends right now, so I’m going to do one last check up on you and let you get out to the waiting room, alright?” She told me, stepping closer to me as she started poking a light into my eyes. “Your left arm is broken and you’ve got a minor concussion, so that explains the retrograde amnesia. Would you like some Aspirin? Does your head hurt?”

She was talking but I couldn’t hear her, I could just picture Carter laying in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out of him, a monitor beeping with his heartbeat as he laid unconscious on a table. It made me want to vomit. I couldn’t focus on anything in the room, everything just started to spin together and I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

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