11- I'm Good At It

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Monday came a lot faster than I thought it would and I wasn’t as nervous as I thought that I would be. Sunday had barely existed because everybody basically just slept all day, including me even though I didn’t drink at all. I still had a long night though, and I slept all the way to lunch.

All of the guys were hungover though, and they just slept through it like hibernating bears so the whole day was just sluggish and nonexistent. It was like a funeral for my laziness because the next day was Monday, my first day of soccer practice.

I thought that I’d be nervous because I felt like I had to prove myself to the others on the team who had been on the team for all years of high school but sometime this morning as I was getting dressed in shorts and a tank top, I realized that I already knew that I was a good soccer player and I got onto the team for a reason. They knew that I was good too, so I was going to do fine.

I grabbed my gym bag from the corner of my room and then left my room to go downstairs where I was going to meet Carter, who was going to the school for his basketball conditioning so we were carpooling to the school.

In the kitchen, I grabbed a banana and a Gatorade for breakfast before going into the kitchen where I assumed that Carter was but the only person in there was Will, watching something on TV. Looking at the clock, we still had ten minutes before we had to leave so I decided that I’d just converse with Will until Carter showed up.

“Hey,” I greeted him. I hadn’t really seen him at all yesterday so this was the first time that we were talking since I ditched him at the party on Saturday night.

He looked behind the couch to where I was standing and then offered me a friendly smile. “Good morning.”

“So about Saturday night, I’m really sorry for skipping out on you like that,” I told him apologetically. “I feel really bad about just leaving like that but I just got really freaked out for some reason.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” He shrugged. “But are you okay? Carter said that it looked like you were upset. I was going to go check on you but it sounded like you wanted to be alone and I wasn’t so sure that I could have climbed the stairs at that point.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured him with a small laugh. “This guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer and it kind of spooked me.”

“Really? Do you know who he was?” He asked me, starting to look all angry and protective and it was really adorable but also really strange because I’ve never been protected by anybody really.

“No, I didn’t get a good look at the guy but I’m okay, I probably broke his toe or something though,” I informed Will. “He was really creepy.”

“Okay, well if you’re sure that you’re okay,” He said slowly. “Why didn’t you come get one of us or something though? We would have kicked his ass.”

I just shrugged and broke off a piece of the banana, popping it into my mouth. Ever since I learned what body part a banana resembles, I felt awkward eating bananas in front of people and I’m sure that is understandable for most people because it was just a really awkward thing to eat in front of people so I just broke it into pieces and ate it that way. “I didn’t really think about it, I just took off. Seriously, it wasn’t a big deal. Anyway, don’t you have practice today too?”

“Yeah, I’m leaving in a little bit. Are you excited for your practices to start?” He wondered.

I nodded. “Yeah, I really am. Finally something to do that doesn’t involve my laptop or overly friendly high school boys.”

“Does that include me?” Will asked me with a teasing little laugh.

“It might,” I said vaguely with a joking smile just as Carter walked into the room with his sports bag over his shoulder.

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