10- Don't Touch My Butt

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I was prepared to kill Andy. Literally, I was going to murder him. It was the night of the party that I had told Will that I would go to and I was fully prepared to really dress up for this thing. I hadn’t really dressed up in a while and it was kind of a fun thing to do so I was going to do it. However, after I took my shower and I went to my closet to choose something to wear, I found that my closet was locked.

I didn’t have the key to it- I didn’t even know that it had a lock on it! All of my clothes were in that closet so I started to look around for something else to wear. And of course, there on my bed there was a note on top of a little piece of fabric that some girls may consider a dress. I would not be one of those girls. It was barely a tube sock. The note read ‘Get dressed! See you down there. ~Andy’.

Crumpling up the note, I tossed it into the trash can near the wall and then went into my bathroom to grab a bobby pin. It wasn’t like I didn’t know how to pick a lock, I was just annoyed that I even had to. I should have learned by then that I had to keep my door locked at all times to prevent things like this from happening.

Easily, I picked the lock to my closet door and then went inside to grab an outfit which consisted of a red lacy shirt that cut off right above my belly button and the sleeves were half-sleeves that were made of sheer red lace. I matched it with a black mini skirt and black bootie heels, which I rarely ever wore. I wasn’t a fan of high heels at all but I always bought them because I thought that they were adorable and that I could always find a reason to wear them but I never did.

This was a good reason to wear them though.

I put the outfit on and then added a black jewel necklace before going into the bathroom and doing my makeup as quickly as I could so that I could go beat the crap out of Andy for trying to mess with my wardrobe. Even if I couldn’t pick a lock, I would have never gone downstairs in that dress so his plan never would have worked either way. I was surprised and slightly offended that he even thought that it might.

As I was putting on some light makeup, I heard the music start downstairs so I figured that people were starting to show up. I wasn’t sure when the party was supposed to start but it was already eleven and it seemed to just be getting started. I hadn’t been to a high school party in so long though, I didn’t really know how to handle them so I was getting kind of nervous. My only comfort was that if I got too nervous, I could just retreat and come back up here.

“Maddie, are you almost ready?” I heard Will knock on my bedroom door just as I was finishing dabbing off my extra lip gloss.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” I called out to him before I adjusted my skirt in the mirror one last time before I left my bathroom and then joined Will in the hallway. “Do I look too dressy?”

“Um, no,” He muttered with a shake of his head. “You look great. Amazing, really.”

“Thanks,” I said with a small blush on my cheeks. Will didn’t seem to be too dressed up but he looked nice. He was wearing jeans and a nice shirt and he smelled pretty good, not that I was smelling him or anything because that would have been weird. “Anyway, we should probably get down there now.”

“Right, lead the way,” He motioned down the hallway and I teasingly rolled my eyes at him before I started walking down the hallway until I reached the stairs and then we went downstairs where there was a relatively large crowd but I was sure that it was going to get bigger.

I followed Will into the kitchen where the counter had cups and shot glasses and bottles of alcohol piled on it. “Do you want anything to drink?” Will asked me over the music.

I just shook my head, knowing that I wasn’t going to drink anything alcoholic tonight. I barely ever got drunk back home because my mom would always need my help because she was always drunk and also, if I let go of my inhibitions, that made it easier for her boyfriends and her creepy friends to try to make a pass at me or something.

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