7- What is That?

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Exactly two weeks after my arrival at the Fisher house, I started my period. Sure, that wasn’t such a big deal because it happened every month but when I woke up with an earthquake in my lower tummy, I decided that I was going to skip breakfast. If I went down there, I would be a grumpy mess and then I’d eat all of their food. All of it.

I had a stash of food in my nightstand drawer so I could just munch on potato chips and candy bars until around noon and then I’d go downstairs and look through the fridge or something when nobody was down there. I didn’t want to have to face anybody today because the first day of my period was always awful. I was grumpy and lazy and I just felt like an angry slug all day so I didn’t want the others to see me like that.

I just changed into some sweat pants and a warm soccer hoodie and then turned on one of my favorite chick flicks before I crawled under my warm comforter with my potato chips, candy bars, and a bottle of water.

I realized a half an hour after getting comfortable that I had forgotten to lock my door, which was an imperative part of this process because without a locked door, anybody could just barge into the room. I realized this too late though, because when I did realize it, it was because it was swinging open and Will was walking into the room.

“You missed breakfast,” Will reminded me as if I didn’t already know that. He had that charming little smile on his face that he usually does. I used to think it was creepy- well, I used to think that everything that he did was creepy like the way that he sometimes winked or smirked at me- but I then realized that they were kinda cute and charming. I figured that it was probably his way of flirting. “Everything alright?”

“I’m fine,” I assured him with a mouthful of chips. “I just wasn’t hungry.”

“You’re eating right now,” He pointed out, stepping farther into the room. “Are you sure that you’re okay?”

“Yes,” I sighed, stuffing my face with some more chips. “I promise.”

“Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for another run but now I’m rethinking that decision,” Will explained to me. “You don’t look up for it.”

“Yeah, no thanks,” I mumbled in response, sitting the chips to the side so that I didn’t completely look like a cow. “Maybe later.”

“You’re really not going to tell me what’s wrong?” He wondered curiously, still not leaving the room which I was kind of hoping that he would.

I was kind of confused as to why he thought that I should tell him what was wrong with me considering I’ve only known him for two weeks. I didn’t think that was enough time to expect me to tell him everything that was wrong with me. “No, I’m really not.”

“Okay, well I’ll talk to you later then. I hope you feel better,” He said before disappearing out the door again and thankfully, I was alone to shove my face with junk food.

I managed to live off of that junk food for a few hours until the movie that I was watching ended but after that, I was starving again and out of chips so I decided that it was time to move downstairs to find food down there to consume like a black hole. I didn’t want to leave the comfort of my bed though so the only solution for me was to wrap my blanket around my shoulders to keep me warm and cozy as I maneuvered through the house for my hunt for food to calm my angry lady parts.

With my hair in a messy bun and slippers on my feet, I made a move for it. The blanket flowed behind me like a heavy cape as I stepped down the stairs, hoping that I wouldn’t run into anybody. My ego wasn’t at the top of my mind at the moment and I cared more about my comfortableness and the food than I was about somebody seeing me in my human burrito but it still wasn’t something that I wanted other people to see.

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