45- Epilogue

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One Year Later

"I thought that you said that you weren't going to cry," Carter teased me.

"I said that I was going to try my best not to cry," I sniffled as Anna and Tommy finished their first dance at the reception of their wedding. Her dress that we'd picked out last year looked beautiful as she danced around with her new husband on the wide open dance floor. After the song ended, everybody applauded them and then there was another slow song for all of the couples so, naturally, Carter grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor with everybody else.

"You did a very bad job at that," He said, wiping the one stray tear from my cheek. I'd put on water proof makeup that morning just for that purpose, because I knew that I'd probably cry at the wedding. I really couldn't have my makeup running though, especially considering I was a bridesmaid and I didn't want my makeup to be runny during the ceremony.

"Shut up," I mumbled as we started to slow dance. Andy and Sophie were dancing beside us, looking at peace for the first time in a long time. The year had been a rough one for Andy and Sophie because they'd kept arguing about Sophie's future. Andy didn't want to hold her back but Sophie didn't want to leave Andy. They had recently come to the agreement that Sophie was going to go to the university of her choice or whatever she gets accepted into (which will be wherever she applies because she was so smart) and then Andy would go with her and if he wouldn't be able to transfer, he'd just transfer to a nearby community college. So for the first time since about October, they looked completely happy.

They kind of ripped off that relationship tid bit from Carter and I because that was what I was doing with Carter. I'd gotten a full ride scholarship to Penn State for soccer so Carter was going to transfer there so that we could stay together. He'd reassured me a million times that he didn't mind moving because he didn't really care where he went to school, he just wanted to be near me, which I absolutely didn't oppose.

"Have you started packing yet?" I asked Carter.

"I still have two more months before I move," He said with a scoff. "Unlike you, who leaves in just one week."

"Yeah, soccer practice and everything. It's going to suck, being away from you all summer," I muttered. Since freshmen had to live in the dorms, Carter couldn't just get an apartment and move in during the summer, he had to wait until the real move in day at the end of August as opposed to me, because I had Soccer practices starting in two weeks and I had to move in early.

"Well, at least this way, you'll have all of the good food spots and hangouts already figured out before I get there so I don't have to do any of the hard parts of adjusting to the school because you've already done that for me," He joked with a boyish grin.

"Right, lucky you," I joked, rolling my eyes at him.

"You'll be fine until I get there," He assured me. "And I just downloaded Skype, so we can use that like, every night. Unless you're out partying with the college kids."

"Because I just absolutely love parties," I replied sarcastically. "Especially the college ones."

"I know that you do," Carter grinned at me. "Will is going to be so jealous when he hears about your crazy party habits considering he's staying here to go to RCC and they don't really party there."

"How will he even survive?"

He shrugged. "I have no idea."

The partying wasn't that bad during our senior year because Will was dating Aster, who didn't like the parties and so he had stopped throwing most of them just for her. She didn't demand it of him, he only did it to make her happy, which I thought was sweet. Anyway, she was going down south for school, Aster was, so they'd broken up after graduation. Will was still pretty beaten up about it but he was here at the wedding, hitting on one of Anna's other bridesmaids just to prove to everybody that he was already over Aster when we all knew that he was still hurting. It'd only been a week since graduation, and that wasn't enough time to get over somebody that he was with for a year and a half. He'd be okay though, with time.

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