Welcome to FTA Part 2

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            Lucy POV

      I was walking through my new school looking for all of the classes I would be going to so I don't get lost. My schedule said that I would be in Mr. Clive's homeroom. I stopped at a door that said 'CLIVE' above it. I looked through the window to see a tall middle aged man with slicked back orange hair and he was wearing a long black tattered cloak. The cloak had shoulder plates. The sight of him was pretty menacing and I could feel his magic power. He must be a good teacher with such strong magic. He then turned so I could see his face. 

       He had a pink blush to his cheeks, a weird smirk, and he was holding a bottle of booze in his hand. My eyes became equal signs, I turned on my heels and walked in a different direction, ' so much for a good education', I thought.

      As I was walking I kind of appreciated there not being any students in the halls. I prefer the quiet and peaceful. This school is so huge! As if the outside wasn't big enough! It kind of reminds me of my Dad's old mansion. I shivered at the thought. I really don't want to think of that place again anytime soon, so many bad memories. I closed my eyes trying to think of happy thoughts to distract me from my past.

     With my eyes closed, I couldn't see where I was going. Suddenly I bumped into something hard and fell on the floor. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. My eyes shot open but my vision was blurred so all I could see was something yellow before I blacked out.

?????'s POV

     I was walking around a corner when I felt something run into me. I looked down to see this little blonde girl on the floor with her eyes shut tight. Geez people can't watch where they're going these days. I looked down to see that the girl had tears streaming down her face and it looked like she had passed out. 

    ' Why is she crying? She only tripped! She must be really weak if she trips in a hallway then cries and passes out...' I thought to myself. I looked down again and that's when I noticed the red puddle spreading under her. My eyes widened and I quickly but carefully   [because sometimes my muscles are a bit too much :smirk:] flipped her over. I cringed at the sight.

 "SHIT!" I yelled.

That explains why she cried and passed out. I stared at the pencil stabbed about halfway through her lower back. I picked her up in my arms and held her close to my chest. ' I have to get her to the Infirmary!'

I took off towards the Infirmary hoping that she would be alright. When I got there I slammed open the door and yelled for help. I saw Wendy run out and gasp.

" Set her on one of the beds!" she yelled. Then she ran off.

Wendy POV

     Suddenly ??? ran into the room with a blonde girl in his arms. I could see blood dripping from her back and that's when I noticed the pencil stabbed in her back. I ran off to find my sister since Porlyusica isn't here today. I ran into the art room to see my sister drawing. She is a beautiful drawer and I really admire her work.

" Emma we have and emergency!" I called out to her. She jumped up and we ran out of the room together.

 Emma is older than me. She has very light brown hair with light blue tips.  I'm actually in middle school but I'm an apprentice for Ms. Porlyusica the school nurse. I am a pure Sky Dragon Slayer but Emma is a Sky/Water Dragon slayer. You see, our father was a Water Dragon and our mother was a Sky Dragon. I guess I inherited my mom's power and Emma inherited half of each. She's not as powerful as me in Sky Dragon Slaying but only because she has two magics. She could beat me anytime in a battle. Her Water Dragon Slaying is better than her Sky Dragon Slaying.

We burst into the room to see the blonde girl laying on the bed, still bleeding, and 'Him' sitting right next to her bed. Emma and I immediately ran to the bed and began to work. I quickly pulled out the pencil and Emma put a water lock where the pencil was to calm the wound and slow the blood flow. I ran to get some gauze, wrapping, and cleaning alcohol. I wiped the wound with the alcohol so the girl wouldn't get lead poisoning, then I wrapped her lower stomach and back to pressurize the wound and stop the blood flow. I stood up wiping sweat from my forehead while Emma used her Sky Dragon Slaying to help the girl heal faster.

I looked over a'Him' to see a worried look on his face. 'Hmm he's never really seemed interested in any girl so why does he look so worried? Maybe he likes her!' I thought with an evil glint in my eye. Crap! I'm turning into Mira! 

" She should be alright," I said and he looked relieved. " What's her name?" I asked." I have no idea. I have never seen her before but she looks about my age. I'm betting she's a new girl." he replied. 

"Sis, I've done all I can, she should be up soon," Emma called over to me. "Ok, ????, we have to go now so take her to class when she wakes up," I said to 'Him'. "Sure" he replied.

Normal POV

     The two girls walked out of the room leaving 'Him' and Lucy alone. Suddenly she started to stir.

Lucy POV

     I woke up to a painful feeling in my back and a bright light in my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes and cringed at the Brightness. I looked to my side to see a guy sitting there. 

" Hey you're awake" he said. 

"Yeah what happened?"

"Well, you bumped into me and fell onto your pencil and got stabbed in the back so I carried you here so Wendy and Emma could heal you." he replied rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I need to be careful of where I'm going. My name's Lucy, I'm new." I said sticking my hand out.

" Don't worry about it and I will take you to class. Nice to meet you, Lucy, my name's Laxus." He said shaking my hand.

Author's note: Hey guys thanks for reading! I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. The wonderful Hiro Mashima does! I would like to dedicate this chapter to  emmajfaust for being one of only two people in the whole world to be my best friend! If you want to have a chapter dedicated to you, please comment and tell me what you think!

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