Singing Competition: Results

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         As Sydney walked down the steps, she was met with Gajeel holding out his arms. "Let it all out, Syd," he said and with those five words, Sydney leaned in his arms and sobbed on his shoulder. After a while, the crying stopped and Gajeel let go of Sydney so that Emma could hug her."That was beautiful, wonderful and sad at the same time," Emma said and Sydney nodded into her shoulder. Sydney then stood up straight and looked at her friend. "That was a bit more sad than I thought it would be," she chuckled and Emma smiled.


       Nobody's POV

           At that moment, Makarov's voice came on the loud speaker. "Well Ladies and Gentlemen, that's it for our performances tonight. Give us a minute to calculate the results and tell you our winners! Remember, one solo singer and one duo are chosen as winners." There was a click as the loud speaker turned off.

"What do you guys think the prize may be?" Lucy asked and looked around at her friends as they all shrugged. She then looked at Emma. "Don't you know what it is since you're a judge?" she said. "I honestly have no idea what it may be. All they told us was how to judge the contestants and what to be looking for," Emma replied and Lucy nodded her head. "Let's just focus of winning before we get all exited over the prize," Laxus glared down at Lucy. Lucy stuck out her tongue at him and huffed as she turned the other way. Sydney giggled and looked over at Gajeel. "What do you think Gaj?" she asked. "I think I could use some fucking food right now, I'm starving," he growled. Sydney punched his shoulder "That's not what I meant you Baka".

 The group then heard the crackle of the loudspeaker. "Alright we have our Results! Is everybody ready?!" Mirajane cheered and continued after hearing a loud clamor of "Yeah!"s. "Okie Dokie! All of our contestants were wonderful and the songs they chose were amazing, but there can only be one winner! Well, two in our case. We will be having one solo winner and one duo winner. Both people of the duo will be getting the prize, which will be announced after our winners" "Get on with it woman!" came a voice from the crowd. "Oh sorry, sorry. Alright so first, for our solo winner! Drum-roll please!" Mira cheered and everyone in the crowd started stomping their feet. "Our Solo Singer winner is..................... Lucy Heartfilia with Catch Fire!" Mira announced. The crowd erupted in cheers and Lucy walked up onto stage to accept her trophy. "Congratulations Lucy! You earned this!" Mira said as she shook Lucy's hand. 

Lucy sped walked off stage, accidentally letting off small electricity sparks around her in her excitement. She ran to Laxus and jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck as her spun her in the air. "I did it! I really did it Laxus!" she cheered and Laxus gave her a sweet smile as he pulled her in for a hug. "Yes, yes you did" he said and she giggled. Laxus let off a bit of electricity to match Lucy's and their lightning fused. "I love you, Laxus," Lucy sighed. "I love you too, Blondie," he replied. "Get a room!" yelled Gajeel. Laxus didn't break the hug as he brought up his hand to flip him the bird. Gajeel scoffed and looked the other way. "Danmmit." he whispered under his breath.

"Alright everyone, time for our duo winner! We had some wonderful pairs who went very well together, but like I said earlier, only one group can win. And that group is..... Drumroll please!" Mira said and the crowd started a drumroll. "Our Duo Winner is......... Gajeel Redfox and Sydney Dragneel singing Battle Scars! Congratulations you guys!" she yelled. Sydney froze in place. "C'mon Syd," Gajeel said as he nudged her forward to walk on stage. Sydney shook out of her trance and started walking with Gajeel following. They accepted the trophy and Sydney waved to the crowd with a big smile as they walked off stage. 

Once off stage, Sydney trotted up to Gajeel. "We did it Gajeel! We won!" she cheered with her hand up for a high-five. In a swift move, Gajeel grabbed Sydney's wrist and smashed his lips on hers. Its was like time froze in place as Emma, Lucy, and Laxus all jaw-dropped. The only noise was a small 'chu' from the kiss. Time came crashing back as Sydney punched Gajeel across the room and screamed "BASTARD!" then ran away. 

'Danm, that was harsh' thought Laxus as he looked over towards Gajeel

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'Danm, that was harsh' thought Laxus as he looked over towards Gajeel. Gajeel was sitting up, staring at his hands, with his non-existent eyebrows scrunched together. Laxus walked over and asked "You good man?" while sticking out his hand. Gajeel scoffed and looked the other way but grabbed Laxus's hand and let him help him up anyway. "Thanks man," he mumbled. Mirajane then walked back onto stage. " How about a round of applause for our winners!" she said. "I will now be announcing the prize that our winners have earned! Now our prize is going to be a trip somewhere, but before I announce where, I have something else to tell. The soloist and the duo all get their own ticket, but each prize comes with an extra ticket for the winner/winners to bring someone of their choice. Meaning that the soloist gets 2 tickets and the duo gets 3 tickets. If the duo disagrees on who to bring and wonder why there couldn't be another ticket involved, blame that on Makarov's cheap budget," Mira giggled. There was the sound of someone spitting out their drink from the crowd and Makarov yelling "Hey!". Mira giggled again and said "And now for the location of the trip. Our winnners will be going to...... A Ski Lodge! The prizes will be mailed to their owners. Thank you to everybody who came and supported the singers! Have a great night everyone!" The stage lights then turned off as Mira walked off stage and people started filing out of the building.

Timeskip to later that night, brought to you by a small titan preparing to eat waffle-man by playing a drum solo with a pair of spoons. 

Gajeel got home that night to find Sydney sitting on the couch watching Tv and petting his ninja cat. "Hey" he said and was given a grunt in response . Gajeel plopped on the opposite side of the couch from Sydney. "Look, I'm sorry Syd. I guess you just really don't like me," he said. Sydney didn't say anything and didn't avert her eyes from the Tv. Gajeel sighed and walked to the kitchen to make some supper, but was stopped by small arms wrapped around his waist from behind. "It's not that I don't like you, you just caught me off guard," she muffled into his back. Gajeel turned around and pushed Sydney away so he could look her in the eyes. "Sydney, I like you. Like, more than friends," he said. Sydney's face took on a color that could rival Erza's hair. "I-I like you too Gajeel, as more than friends," she mumbled. Sydney then stood on the tips of her toes and wrapped her arms around Gajeel's neck as he leaned down and their lips met in the middle for a sweet, love filled, kiss. 

Back at Lucy's house, Laxus was lying on the couch, watching a movie, with Lucy laying on his enormous chest. "Hey Laxus,  I wonder if  Gajeel and Sydney are going to be alright," Lucy said. Laxus, knowing a bit more than Lucy, quietly chuckled. "Oh I think they'll be just fine," he said as Lucy snuggled her head into the crook of his neck and slowly fell asleep.

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