Shopping with Emma

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Nobody's POV

As Emma and Sydney were walking to the shopping district, they stopped at an ice cream stand and got some ice cream. "So is there a real reason why you wanted me to come or do you just want to go shopping?" Sydney asked. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something," Emma said. "Were you aware that you have ETE?" she asked. "What the hell is that?" Sydney said. "It stands for Emotion Triggered Eyes. It means that your eyes change color according to what you feel," Emma said. "THEY DO?!" Sydney blurted. "Yeah, usually they are blue but when you're angry they turn red, and recently they were gray. I looked it up and apparently 90% of the very few people who have ETE have a hidden power. That must be the steam you said found you." Emma said, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "Wow, I had no idea," Sydney said and she didn't notice that her ice cream was slowly falling off the cone.

 The two girls were staring off into space, thinking, until they both hear a loud SPLAT. "GOD DANMMIT!" Sydney shouted. Her ice cream had fell. Sydney started animatedly crying as she picked up her deceased ice cream and placed it in a box. Then she buried the box and put a gravestone saying, "HERE LIES ICE CREAM. IT HAD A SHORT, BUT SWEET LIFE." Then she stood, now holding a black umbrella even though it was sunny as could be, and looked down at the tiny grave. At that moment, Emma came back holding a new ice cream cone for Sydney. "Yay!" Sydney cheered as she licked her new ice cream, completely forgetting the other one. Emma facepalmed.


Sydney and Emma spent the rest of the day talking and having fun. They didn't end up buying anything, but that was okay. The two girls said goodbye and went their separate ways. Sydney walked back to Gajeel's house and Emma went to her own home. As Sydney walked through the door, she saw Gajeel sitting on the couch in the dark. "Hey Gaj, whatcha doin?" She asked, fumbling around trying to find a light switch. She flipped on the light and saw Gajeel looking at her, with a black cat sitting in his lap. She screeched and ran over to the cat and picked it up. She cuddled it against her face and played with it. "I didn't know you had a cat! What's his name?" she asked Gajeel. "He likes sneaking around and his name is Pantherlilly," Gajeel answered. Sydney hugged the cat and unbeknownst to her, Pantherlilly smirked at Gajeel. Gajeel growled. Sydney pulled out of the hug and looked at Pantherlilly. "So you like sneaking around huh? You're like a little ninja." she giggled. Pantherlily pulled a black mask down over his face and ninja rolled away into the shadows.

A/N: Hey Guys, sorry it's been a while since I've updated and sorry that the chapter is so short. I just felt like I needed to tonight because I'm leaving to go to Washington DC tomorrow morning and I'm gonna be gone for a week! I'm really excited!  Thanks for supporting me and if you have any ideas let me know! 

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