Saving Lucy

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Nobody's POV

As the group ran in to the police station, the cops didn't know what to think. Sydney walked up to one of the cops. "Please help us. We need this license plate read" she said. "And what  if we don't help you," one of the cops said. Laxus and Gajeel stepped up and cracked their knuckles. "Then you deal with us," they said at the same time. All four of the teens were letting off a menacing aura. The cops cowered away. "R-Right this way," one of them said and the group followed the cop. They walked into a room filled with computers. Emma sat down at one of the computers. "What's the plate number?" she asked Sydney. Sydney whispered in her ear and Emma typed what she said. She pressed the Enter key and a file came up. It had a picture of a man with dirty blonde hair and a mustache. He was wearing a fancy suit and he had a sort of Rich look. There was writing under the picture that said 'Mage'. There was a nametag beside the picture and it said 'Jude Heartfilia,'. "Could this be the guy that took Blondie?" Laxus said. "I don't know. Maybe we should watch the traffic cameras and track where the car has been and see if this man took Lucy," Sydney.

Emma pulled up the traffic records and searched up the license plate. It showed a black car that the group recognized from the spell that Emma and Sydney did. The car drove into the alleyway that the group was in earlier and stopped in the shadows, hiding it from view. About an hour later, it showed the man from the picture get out, put on a mask and he was dressed in dark clothing. He then hid in the shadows when Lucy walked in. The camera played the same scene that the STEAM spell did. The man threw Lucy into the car and drove away. Emma switched cameras so the group could continue to see where the car was going. After a while, it stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse and the man carried Lucy inside. Laxus jumped up. "Lets go! Who knows what could have already happened to Lucy! We know where she is now so lets go get her back!" he said. Everyone else nodded and they ran out the door.

Lucy's POV

 The man walked up to me and kicked me across the room. He put chains around my wrists and chained me to the wall. I growled and my ears and tail came out. He brought his hand up and touched my wolf ear. I twisted my head and bit his wrist and broke the skin so blood was coming out. He slapped me across the cheek and it started to bleed. "That's no way to treat an old friend!" he shouted. He took his mask off and my eyes widened. "Jude!?" I yelled. He smirked. Jude Heartfilia is the father of my best friend. He was close friends to my mother and sometimes it felt like he was my second father since he wasn't married. I spent the night at my friend's house many times and he was always so nice to me. Sometimes he would call me his daughter because my friend and I always wanted to be sisters. We were friends for years, but then I had to move away and I never saw her or her father again. Tears came to my eyes at the memories of my childhood. "Wh-Why would you do this? You treated me like your daughter! You were like a father to me!" I yelled. He chuckled. "I never loved you, or your mother. It was all just an act to get closer to the wolf slayers. And it worked! Now your mother is dead because you two made a bad choice by trusting us. Your friend was never my daughter. I paid her to play the role and she helped me murder your family." he said. I burst out in tears. "Now I'm going to go clean this wound, and when I get back, you better have your last word prepared. If I even let you say them." he laughed and walked out of the room, locking the wooden door behind him. I struggled in the chains and tried to get out of them. I couldn't teleport if something was holding me down and my lightning wouldn't do anything. I sat up against the wall and cried. My first real friend was never my friend and I was never hers. I was just her paycheck. So Sydney, Laxus, Gajeel and Emma are the first real friends I have ever had. I started thinking of lyrics in my head and I began making a song.

Laxus's POV

We're standing outside the warehouse from the video. I was about to barge in there and beat the shit out of this Jude guy but Gajeel and Sydney held me back. "What are you doing? We need to save Blondie!" I whisper yelled. "First we need to find out how many there are and whats going on. If he has a gun held to Lucy's head, he might pull the trigger if we just come in with a Bang." Sydney said and I calmed down. Me, Gajeel, and Emma put our noses in the air and tried to sniff out how many people were there. "I only smell Lucy and Jude," Emma said and Gajeel and I nodded. "Okay, that makes it a bit easier. Let's find a back entrance. Could you guys tell where Lucy was?" Sydney said. "She's in some kind of room below the building," I said and she nodded. "Okay. We'll find a back entrance and enter that way. We have to be as quiet as possible so we can ensure Lucy's safety before engaging in battle with Jude." she said. We got up and snuck to the back of the building. We found a door back there. I wiggled the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. "It's locked guys," I whispered. Sydney stepped up and started breathing fire onto the lock. Once it was melted and glowing red, Emma washed it with water too cool it off, then blew air onto it to dry it off. I tried the door again and the lock fell off. I carefully opened the door and we walked in. We crept through the building but suddenly we heard a crunch sound. We all froze, then took another step, heard another crunch, then froze again.

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